16 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
I want to support this Motion by hon. Nyamai that all national identification systems for personal bio-data be harmonized. That will help most people access loans that we are talking about such as the Uwezo funds and Women funds.
16 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I support this Motion. Thank you.
3 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. I am aware that there are two types of disasters. We have man-made and natural disasters. We all know that disasters call for spending. We saw all the county governments preparing their budgets. I was shocked to hear that none of them has set aside money for disaster management. If you look at their budgets, obviously, you will see allowances, luxurious cars and other luxuries.
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this Motion by my friend Hon. Ochieng. It is quite disappointing when I realize how many nurses and clinical officers this country has trained, yet they all end up going out of this country to USA, Europe, South Africa and South America to work as maids or at old age institutions. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I thank the Jubilee Government. In their nine pillars, they emphasized on health. I am sure that on the basis of their promises, we can set aside money to employ nurses and clinical officers, ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this Motion by my friend hon. Ochieng. It is quite disappointing when I realize how many nurses and clinical officers this country has trained, yet they all end up going out of this country to USA, Europe, South Africa and South America to work as maids or at old age institutions. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I thank the Jubilee Government. In their nine pillars, they emphasized on health. I am sure that on the basis of their promises, we can set aside money to employ nurses and clinical officers, who ...
5 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise to support this Motion. I want to congratulate the Mover, hon. Gitari. The Jubilee Government has talked about health in its manifesto. We all know that the cost of health in this country is high. We now have many patients who are suffering from cancer and renal diseases. I would like to suggest to the Government to empower more home-based community nursing officers to help our patients who cannot reach the health facilities. We should have home-care based treatment. As other speakers have said, in every county, we need to have a ward or hospital ...
4 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I rise to support this Motion. It is true that there is no nation which can develop without feeding its people. We are all aware that all developed nations first put a plate of food in front of their citizens. This Motion should be supported by all. We need this board as early as yesterday.
4 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
If you look at South Korea, you will find that it is one of the leading producers of steel, yet they have no iron ore or coal. Kenya is blessed with iron ore and deposits of coal. We even have oil. These are the by-products or the materials used to produce fertilizer. If this nation or this Government is serious with its citizens, the production of fertilizer should commence immediately. For example, I come from lower eastern. If you visit the whole of Ukambani, you will find that it is true that there are no incentives, or any Government aid ...
4 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
If we go by what the President said about his nine pillars, they will support agriculture by irrigating one million acres of land. Now, going by production of, maybe, 30 bags of maize per acre, that translates to 30 million bags of maize. If the maize is well harvested and stored, Kenya will never talk about food insecurity, or insufficient food supply.
4 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
I concur with all the speakers that we now have a Government that has prided itself of being digital. If it is serious and we have the incentives and fertilizers, we can produce enough food. Seeds which are not hybrid are sneaked to the market to exploit the farmer. When our farmers use some of the fertilizers in the market, for example, CAN and DAP, they do not yield much. In fact, they add acidity to our soils. The Government must put stringent measures in place to ensure that the fertilizers and the seeds that are supplied to our farmers ...