25 Jun 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Speaker. I would like to start by saying that information empowers people. Every time we deny people information, we actually disempower them. This Bill is seeking to empower a certain section of the population of this country. When we are talking about disability issues, we are talking about serious issues. In 1993, I tried to import a car and I was seeking an exemption. The question I was asked by the people who were in the revenue authorities was: “Are you going to be specifically the one driving the car so that we can tax-exempt ...
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I want to seek a clarification on the numbers that have actually been convicted. This is because we have been given a long list of cases that have been finalized in court or where the court process is on. I would like to hear the actual convictions, otherwise this to me sounds like the tip of the iceberg. The bigger issue is not yet tackled and we need to face this issue seriously.
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I want to seek a clarification on the numbers that have actually been convicted. This is because we have been given a long list of cases that have been finalized in court or where the court process is on. I would like to hear the actual convictions, otherwise this to me sounds like the tip of the iceberg. The bigger issue is not yet tackled and we need to face this issue seriously.
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
The second clarification I want to hear from the Leader of Majority Party is whether we have officially received any complaint from external forces trying to force us to go the gay way. I would like to know whether that has come and if it has, what has been our response to it?
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
The second clarification I want to hear from the Leader of Majority Party is whether we have officially received any complaint from external forces trying to force us to go the gay way. I would like to know whether that has come and if it has, what has been our response to it?
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I rise to support this VAT (Amendment) Bill that my friend has brought at the right time. I thank hon. Mbadi for this. My addition to this Bill is that we need to include religious reading materials. Religion preserves the morals of the nation. Once we make religious materials very expensive, then we do not encourage good morals in our society. I would like to see religious reading materials included in this Bill.
26 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I rise to support this VAT (Amendment) Bill that my friend has brought at the right time. I thank hon. Mbadi for this. My addition to this Bill is that we need to include religious reading materials. Religion preserves the morals of the nation. Once we make religious materials very expensive, then we do not encourage good morals in our society. I would like to see religious reading materials included in this Bill.
20 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. One of the very important things to note about this Bill is that it has five very important and distinct parts. One deals with Christian marriage and another one deals with Hindu marriage. There is also a part that deals with Islamic marriage and another one deals with civil marriage. The amendment touches on the general provisions which should be as general as possible. Therefore, if there are specific issues to be addressed, they should be addressed under specific parts that are related to a particular faith.
20 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman for giving me this opportunity. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is a Christian marriage and the notice is given to the minister who is going to officiate the wedding. Once the notice is given, the Christian minister for that particular wedding will call the people to substantiate or explain the background of that particular intention. This is not just an automatic stopping. It is something that is going to be discussed and examined by even the church council before they can decide whether to accept that intention ...
19 Mar 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I would like to support this particular Report and I would like to discuss only three points today.