Sabina Wanjiru Chege

Parties & Coalitions

Sabina Wanjiru Chege

Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1611 to 1620 of 2784.

  • 22 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I do not know what is wrong with Hon. Maanzo. view
  • 22 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: It is my birthday today. If he wanted to wish me a happy birthday, he should just have stood up and sang a happy birthday song for me. I got his attention, and that is what he wanted. Thank you very much, Hon. Maanzo. view
  • 15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: (Inaudible) view
  • 15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this Petition. I am also maitu, that is where the eldership comes in. On the issue of textbooks in this nation, we know we do not have a very good reading culture. I support the zero-rating of these journals so that we can encourage our children to read and the parents to afford buying these books. In any society that wants its people to develop, it is important to encourage a reading culture. So, I support this Petition. I hope, when it comes to the House, the direction that will be ... view
  • 15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the House: The Report of the Departmental Committee on Health on its Consideration of the Health Laws (Amendment) Bill, (National Assembly Bill No. 14 of 2018). view
  • 12 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, for the opportunity. I want to support the amendment. I was the Chair of the Committee on Education and Research in the last Parliament and I want to commend my former Vice-Chair, who is now the Chair, for a very good job. It shows that I mentored him very well. We need to take care of our technical institutes. What the Member said about the curriculum, it is important for us to also look at the curriculum and what is being taught in those institutions. About our universities, we know some of our Government ... view
  • 6 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I take this opportunity to welcome the students who are here today because they are our future leaders. The Departmental Committee on Health as part of the scrutiny of the 2018/2019 Budget Estimates for The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 6 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: the Ministry of Health held lengthy deliberations with the ministry officials and afterwards made a number of recommendations both on policy and budgetary allocations. The Ministry of Health has a budget of Kshs.90 billion in the Financial Year 2018/2019 which is an enhanced allocation compared to this current financial year which was at Kshs.78 billion. Most of these allocations are conditional grants to the county governments. As you are all aware health is devolved. Also there are allocations to various parastatals in the sector such as Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital ... view
  • 6 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Some of the key projects that the Ministry will implement will include the continuing programmes of leasing of MES, purchase of CT Scans, allocation of conditional grants to Level 5 hospitals, establishment of cancer centres where the intention is by the end of this financial year we should have four cancer centres and an improvement in the following years. We have free maternity strategic interventions, vaccines and immunisations and several donor funded interventions aimed at supporting the universal health care agenda amongst others. As a Committee we deliberated and some of the observations on the Budget in which decisions have ... view
  • 6 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: doctors will also be trained in Cuba. There is an enhanced programme on control of malaria in this country and also training that will benefit our students at KMTC. In spite of potential benefits of skills transfer the Ministry should also consider hiring some of the specialties who are local doctors to augment this effort. My Committee is also concerned about the slum upgrading project that has not been well implemented and the portable clinics that are lying unutilised partly because of lack of support from the identified counties meant to benefit from these projects. These issues were raised by ... view


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