Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, when I came back to this House after getting my child, I used to express my milk inside the car because there was nowhere to do it. It is a shame. There is nowhere in this House where one can express milk, leave alone coming with the child. This is a Bill I want to ask this House to adopt and move very fast to set a precedent. Before this Bill becomes an Act, the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) should consider it with immediate effect. Despite the success that Kenya has made around exclusive breastfeeding in ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
The Government also needs to ensure that the law is enforced. Employers need to be sensitized to provide the necessary support such as breastfeeding rooms and other facilities to enable women to express milk comfortably. These measures are key in ensuring continued exclusive breastfeeding, even after women resume work after their three months of maternity leave. For the informal sector, there may be need to re-consider labour laws and the possibility of social protection measures, specifically targeting women. Generally, there is also need for the public to be sensitized about the need to support breastfeeding women. It is always very ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
The Government also needs to ensure that the law is enforced. Employers need to be sensitized to provide the necessary support such as breastfeeding rooms and other facilities to enable women to express milk comfortably. These measures are key in ensuring continued exclusive breastfeeding, even after women resume work after their three months of maternity leave. For the informal sector, there may be need to re-consider labour laws and the possibility of social protection measures, specifically targeting women. Generally, there is also need for the public to be sensitized about the need to support breastfeeding women. It is always very ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
I have a few recommendations in this Bill. I wish that, at least, the first six months after giving birth, mothers should be allowed to work for fewer hours, for example working between 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Those hours will give them enough time to breastfeed. They should be allowed to have baby nurseries at their workplaces for babies of up to six months, to enable them to breastfeed. The challenge in this is the cost that will have to be footed by the caretaker. However, children between zero to six months sleep most of the time. So, if ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
I have a few recommendations in this Bill. I wish that, at least, the first six months after giving birth, mothers should be allowed to work for fewer hours, for example working between 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Those hours will give them enough time to breastfeed. They should be allowed to have baby nurseries at their workplaces for babies of up to six months, to enable them to breastfeed. The challenge in this is the cost that will have to be footed by the caretaker. However, children between zero to six months sleep most of the time. So, if ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Since the Government has been generous enough to give smoking zones, it should provide changing zones, especially in major towns. I wish Hon. Sakaja was here because he is going to the Senate. We need to give women places to change their babies’ diapers or nappies. Those places should be very clean and private. It should be in workplaces and public places. I have not seen any baby-changing rooms in our own airport. We need that room so that when you The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Since the Government has been generous enough to give smoking zones, it should provide changing zones, especially in major towns. I wish Hon. Sakaja was here because he is going to the Senate. We need to give women places to change their babies’ diapers or nappies. Those places should be very clean and private. It should be in workplaces and public places. I have not seen any baby-changing rooms in our own airport. We need that room so that when you The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
are travelling, you can purchase a diaper, even if it is one. Once we allow the environment to be conducive for those mothers, all is going to be well.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
are travelling, you can purchase a diaper, even if it is one. Once we allow the environment to be conducive for those mothers, all is going to be well.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
I will go straight to the Memorandum of Objects and Reasons of the Bill. The principal objective of this Bill is to provide a legal framework for mothers who may wish to breastfeed their children at the workplace. The Bill provides for the right of a mother to breastfeed freely or expresses her milk for the infant. It also requires the employers to provide employees with lactation rooms to either breastfeed or express their milk for their children.