Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
I will go straight to the Memorandum of Objects and Reasons of the Bill. The principal objective of this Bill is to provide a legal framework for mothers who may wish to breastfeed their children at the workplace. The Bill provides for the right of a mother to breastfeed freely or expresses her milk for the infant. It also requires the employers to provide employees with lactation rooms to either breastfeed or express their milk for their children.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, breastfeeding is the first preventive health measure that can be given to a child at birth. It also enhances mother-infant relationship. It also nurtures first immunization, enabling the infant to fight potential serious infection. It contains growth factors that enhance maturation of an infant organ system. Presently, female employees exit the workforce or stop breastfeeding in order to secure their jobs. No woman should be forced to compromise the health of her child in order to make a living. This Bill is trying to make sure that no woman will compromise the health of her child ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, breastfeeding is the first preventive health measure that can be given to a child at birth. It also enhances mother-infant relationship. It also nurtures first immunization, enabling the infant to fight potential serious infection. It contains growth factors that enhance maturation of an infant organ system. Presently, female employees exit the workforce or stop breastfeeding in order to secure their jobs. No woman should be forced to compromise the health of her child in order to make a living. This Bill is trying to make sure that no woman will compromise the health of her child ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Part one of the Bill provides for preliminary matters, including the title of the Bill and the interpretation of the terms used in the proposed Act. Clauses 3 to 9 of the Bill provides the fundamental principles and rights at work for a breastfeeding mother. It provides for the right to freely breastfeed or express milk for the baby. It also places an obligation on the employers to provide breastfeeding working mothers with rooms to either express their milk or breastfeed. It also provides for the standards of such rooms. The Bill further provides for baby-changing tables or rooms. This ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Part one of the Bill provides for preliminary matters, including the title of the Bill and the interpretation of the terms used in the proposed Act. Clauses 3 to 9 of the Bill provides the fundamental principles and rights at work for a breastfeeding mother. It provides for the right to freely breastfeed or express milk for the baby. It also places an obligation on the employers to provide breastfeeding working mothers with rooms to either express their milk or breastfeed. It also provides for the standards of such rooms. The Bill further provides for baby-changing tables or rooms. This ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
This Bill is affecting counties, and it is an ordinary Bill. It might occasion additional expenditure, but this is what is given within the estimates. We do not need to look for extra funds to provide a table and make a special room within a public building.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
This Bill is affecting counties, and it is an ordinary Bill. It might occasion additional expenditure, but this is what is given within the estimates. We do not need to look for extra funds to provide a table and make a special room within a public building.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
With those few remarks, I move the Bill. I would like to ask Hon. Ken Okoth to second.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
With those few remarks, I move the Bill. I would like to ask Hon. Ken Okoth to second.
18 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me an opportunity. From the outset, I support this Special Report by the Public Investments Committee (PIC) on the Duty Free Shops Contracts at Jomo Kenyatta and Moi International Airports. I will be very brief. We travel severally. We need to clear the cartels in our international airports so that they attain the same standards as other international airports. We also need to secure them. Having looked at the Report, the Committee did a good job. This Report should be adopted immediately because I do not know how much time we have ...