Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 14.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 15. The justification is to retain the provision by the parent Act. The previous deletion is also to retain what is in the parent Act.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 16 and substituting therefor the following new Clause− The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Amendment of (16) Section 56(1) of the principal Act is amended by Section 40 of No. 14 of 2013. deleting − (a) paragraph (a) and substituting therefor the following paragraph− “(a) four persons elected to represent parents of the pupils in the school or from the local community;” (b) paragraph (c) and substituting therefor the following paragraph− “(c) head of the institution who shall be the secretary of the Board;” (c) paragraph (d) and substituting therefor the following paragraph− “(d) two representatives of the sponsors of the school;”
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 17. This is also to retain what is provided by the parent Act.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 18. This is also to retain what is provided by the parent Act.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in Clause 19 by deleting the phrase “(c)” appearing at the end of the clause and substituting therefor with the phrase “(e)”.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 20. This is also to retain the provision in the parent Act.