Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
(b) by deleting the word “numbers” appearing immediately after the words “elect one of their” and replacing therefore with the word “members”.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:-
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting immediately after Clause 42 thereof a new clause as follows:- Disciplinary 42A. There is established a Disciplinary Tribunal which shall be Tribunal. composed of the following persons appointed by the Cabinet Secretary - (a) a person who specializes in the professional field relating to the complaint for which the Tribunal is formed; (b) a professional who has appropriate experience in engineering technology ; and (c) a person qualified in law and who has appropriate experience.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:-
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
THAT Clause 2 of the Bill be amended – (a) by deleting the definition of the word “accredited checker”; The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
(b) in the definition of “Board” by deleting the words “Engineering Technologists and Technicians Registration” and substituting therefor the words “Kenya Engineering Technology”; (c) in the definition of Cabinet Secretary by deleting the word “technology” appearing immediately after the word “engineering”; (d) in the definition of “engineering consulting firm” by deleting the words “this Act” and substituting therefor the words “engineering technology consulting firm registered under section 15A”; (e) by deleting the definition of “engineering technology” and substituting therefor the following new definition – “is part of the engineering profession in which knowledge of applied mathematical and natural science gained ...
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
“certified engineering technician” means a person registered as under section 15 (A)(1) (ii);
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
“Engineering Technology Personnel” means any person registered under section 15 (A)(1) as an Engineering Technologist or Technician;
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
“foreign national” has the meaning assigned to it under section 2 of Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, No. 12 of 2011;