Sabina Wanjiru Chege

Parties & Coalitions

Sabina Wanjiru Chege

Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2321 to 2330 of 2784.

  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I stand to support. It is important for this House to know that the Board sits to discuss about loans. It is a body that needs a lot of seriousness and attention. What was proposed in the Bill was for the students to elect representatives and rotate them after every two years. It is important for this House to know that every two years if we are going to be changing student leaders who come in it will cause problems. I support. view
  • 30 Sep 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to speak. At the outset, I support this Bill, especially on matters pertaining to health. I am just from my county where I had gone to bury one of my supporters who had died of cancer. The issue of cancer is serious in the Republic of Kenya. Cancer is killing more people in Kenya than even HIV/AIDS. I am glad that the national Government can discuss this. My proposal is that we should have cancer centres in every constituency and not every county. This is one of the diseases ... view
  • 30 Sep 2015 in National Assembly: Finally, I want to comment about the issue of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Even if we are doing the amendment, my sincere hope is that we will not have persons in this country who are internally displaced. I pray that we have peace and the county governments will come in and bring harmony and preach peach among communities so that we can have one Kenya and one community. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I support. view
  • 25 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the House:- The Report of the Departmental Committee on Education, Research and Technology on its consideration of the Basic Education (Amendment) Bill 2014. view
  • 20 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. At the outset, I support this Bill. I have been going through the items and where I would like to dwell on is the excisable goods. I actually support the proposal to introduce excise tax on alcoholic beverages. My county is one of the counties where we are now trying to rehabilitate people who were affected by the alcoholic syndrome. It is sad to see the Government spend a lot of money on health and also on broken families while we have a few individuals making a lot of money selling these alcoholic products. ... view
  • 20 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: I am not proud of cold Tusker. I would have liked Kenya to be known as a country where we have the Eighth Wonder of the World; the migration of the Wildebeests. I would be proud of that, but not cold Tusker. We can say the highest mountain, Mt. Kenya or the wildebeest. I can confirm to this House that I am not proud of the cold Tusker. Going back to the issue of plastic bags, we know some of our neighbours like Rwanda who by the time you get to their airport you cannot get to their country with ... view
  • 20 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: back to our traditions, when I did a wedding, my mother gave me a Kiondo. When I am going for shopping I can surely carry Kiondo . We do not need plastic bags to do the same. I am hoping that we can regulate and make sure that we ban the use of plastic bags in this country. I have seen the duty on food supplements. Everybody is watching weight in this country. I may also be a victim. When I see that we have added 10 per cent of Excise Duty on food supplements, I am a little bit ... view
  • 19 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. We are talking about putting the private sector in the Board. I would just like to inform the House that we have FKE. The said KEPSA also sits on the FKE. So, they are already well represented in the Board. We would not like to add any other person from the private sector while they are already represented by FKE on the Board. Thank you. view
  • 19 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I want to thank the Leader of the Majority Party for donating some time for me. I support this Bill. As I was listening to the Hon. Members making their contribution, I was almost worried that we are having another structure coming up that is going to be a burden to the taxpayers. I looked at the merits of the Bill and, we actually need this Board to harmonize what is happening in our business industry. We have had companies transacting business with the Government but when you later try to trace the ownership, ... view
  • 8 Jul 2015 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Speaker. view


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