17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, once my amendment was carried, and it is similar to his--- It is similar. His Clause 35 (8) provides that the Chief Justice may make rules to regulate procedures relating to contempt. It is similar to what is contained in my amendment, which we have just accepted, namely that the Chief Justice may regulate procedures relating to contempt of court. Clause 35 (1) states that the court shall have power to punish for contempt a person who in the face of the court--- That is what his Clause is also providing for. It is a similar ...
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I sympathise with Hon. Maanzo. Hon. Kaluma is a Member of our Committee. Maybe he had left or stepped out and, therefore, he never saw the amendments of the Committee. But he was one of the people who made this proposal which was carried by the Committee.
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 36 of the Bill be amended by deleting the words “,so far as it is appropriate to do so” appearing immediately after the word “Republic”. This is to remove the limitation on the requirement that the court is to ensure reasonable access to its services in all parts of the country.
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 37 of the Bill be amended in sub-clause (1) by deleting the word “person” appearing immediately after the words “or other” and substituting therefor the words “judicial officer”. This is to clarify that the protection from personal liability afforded by the Clause only applies to judicial officers. It does not apply to any person who sits in the court as employee of the Judiciary.
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 38 of the Bill be amended by inserting the following sub clause immediately after sub clause (1)— “(1A) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), such Rules may provide for the— (a) conduct of the election of the President of the Court; (b) procedure of removal of the President of the Court; (c) form of notification of the sittings of the Court; (d) disposal of urgent and priority matters during Court recess; (e) automation of Court records, case management, protection and sharing of Court information and the use of ...
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
We have provided instances in which the Chief Justice can make regulations. Those regulations, as you know, will be brought before the Committee on Delegated Legislation to ensure that they are in consonance with the Constitution as well as this particular legislation.
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting the following new clause immediately after Clause 38— Code of Conduct for 38A. The Chief Justice shall, within six months of the Judges of the Court.
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
commencement of this Act, prescribe the code of conduct applicable to a judge of the Court. We are seeking to empower the Chief Justice to prescribe the code of conduct applicable to judges of the Court of Appeal within six months. At the moment, we have a code of conduct that is attached to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) Act, which was promulgated in 2003. That particular code is not in tandem with the new Constitution. All the judges of the Judiciary took an oath of office pursuant to the new Constitution. It is incumbent upon the Chief Justice ...
17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
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