11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
I have a lot of problems in Ainabkoi Constituency. If my people had been asked to attend the meeting when Budget and Appropriations Committee visited Eldoret, they would have come in five lorries. As I sit here, I represent their interests. I know where their problems are because we hold public hearings. Nobody can tell us that they have a monopoly of holding public hearings yet I am a Member of Parliament. For us to be fair, we should go the route of hon. Gumbo, which is fair and objective. We remove subjectivity. I thank you, hon. Speaker.
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
I beg to move:- THAT clause 4 of the Bill be amended— (a) in subclause (1) by deleting paragraphs (b), (d), (e),(f),(g)and (h); (b) by deleting subclause (3); (c) by deleting subclause (4); The reason is that some people are imported to be made members of the family when in actual fact they are not. For example, if you look at Clause 4, for the purposes of this Act, a person is defined to belong to a domestic relationship with another person, if that person has previously been married to the other person. That person cannot be defined to be ...
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Secondly, according to this clause, one is deemed to be in a domestic relationship if that person has been in a marriage with that other person, which has been dissolved or declared null. So, you cannot be part of that family because, first and foremost, the marriage has been nullified. Thirdly, this clause says that one is deemed to be in a domestic relationship if he or she has been engaged to get married to that person.
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, if you have been merely engaged to get married to that person, you cannot be deemed to be a member of that family. You know that cannot be allowed. Fourthly, according to this clause, one is deemed to be in a domestic relationship if he or she has a close personal relationship with that other person. For example, if I merely relate with hon. (Ms.) F.I. Ali, who is my very good friend, she can be deemed to be part The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report ...
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
of my family. That cannot be true. Therefore, we are suggesting that this clause be deleted. That is the proposal from the Committee. Thank you.
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. Thank you for the hon. Members who have contributed. Maybe I was not very clear but let me be clear. First and foremost, we are defining what a domestic relationship is. These are people who are living with you. A person who is living with you is either a married person or one who is living in the same household with that person.
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
A person who has previously been married to you and does not live with you does not have a domestic relationship with you because he or she lives in someone else’s house or in their own house. That other person could even be married. You cannot define someone who has already been married or of a marriage that has been nullified and the person has ceased to be your spouse as one in your domestic relationship. You are saying that, that person is still part of domestic relationship? As hon. Kang’ata has just said---
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
No, I do not want to be informed, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. You know hon. Neto himself was in this meeting and I recognise that he has possibly not seen the minutes of the Committee but he was a Member of this Committee. I signed the minutes on 10th July, 2014. There is a possibility that there could have been lapses.
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
I have the Report.
11 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
The Report was adopted unanimously and any Member of the Committee who is opposing it, is doing it with some other motives which I do not know. Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, secondly, in (f), if you say that he or she has been engaged to get married to that other person - If you are engaged to get married to that other person, he or she is living in his or her own house. So, she is not part of your domestic relationship. You are not engaged in a domestic relationship.