4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Looking at the mood of the House, which is excellent, and considering that the Inspector-General to be was in Standard Two when I was in Standard One in the same school, I would have liked to participate in this, but I will not. Hon. Gumbo is looking at me with very good eyes and in approval of what I am requesting. Would I be in order to ask that the Mover be now called upon to reply?
4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No.83; this is a very serious point of order. A ruling must be made. I expect a ruling on this matter. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No.83, as read together with Standing Order No.107. Hon. Kaluma is my very good Member of the Committee, but what he has said is totally unacceptable.
4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I just want to quote correctly. He has made a serious allegation that this House does not follow the law and is being controlled from outside. I am not controlled from outside. If he is being controlled from outside, he should declare from which quarters. He should not enlist me.
4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, he better sit down. He is younger than me.
4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
He is younger than me even in terms of our profession. He cannot make such serious allegations.
4 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
He either withdraws or substantiates. It has nothing to do with the approval of the nominee. This is something to do with the integrity of this House. He wants to make attempts at speaking very well, but he is accusing us.
3 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker. As you know, hon. Irungu Kang’ata is a Member of our Committee. It is just that he is part of the indolence in the Committee. He has been negotiating with the Committee as to when we can do the hearing of his petition, but because he has not been around, we have been pushing it forward. We realised that so much time has passed. I undertake to ensure that it is brought before the House in the next two weeks. I thank you.
3 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
In two weeks’ time, hon. Speaker.
3 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Yes, hon. Speaker.
18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker. I rise to second the Motion by hon. Gumbo. As you know, professionals have completely been disadvantaged in the past, particularly those that are coming from professional bodies like that of hon. Gumbo, where their statutory bodies have already set the fees that are chargeable by those professionals. For it to be subjected to this procurement law is inconsistent with the professions of those particular individuals. I totally support the Motion.