Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2191 to 2200 of 3315.

  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: recommendations in Clause 21 of their Report, they have stated as follows: “Kenya’s current debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratios are favourable.” We know that if GDP is a factor when considering raising of debt ceiling, it is a mobile factor. Today it can increase and tomorrow it can decrease. What the Committee has said in Paragraph22 is that: “The Committee was therefore convinced that the review of the external debt ceiling was essential to help the Government achieve its developmental objectives.” view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Finally in Paragraph 23, they have stated as follows and that is besides their recommendation “that total public debt is within acceptable fiscal sustainability ratios.” Further, they have stated: “…debt ratios should be consistent with the EAC Monetary Union convergence criteria.” Finally, this is what they have said in their observation “…that new borrowing will remain within the approved medium term fiscal framework so as to maintain macroeconomic stability.” Those are very clear. In fact, it in black and white. view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: So, I do not know where my very good friend who is seeking to walk out got this information that the observation of the Committee is at variance with the recommendation. They have clearly stated that they are recommending for the approval of the increase of the debt from Kshs1.2 trillion to Kshs2.5 trillion. That is for purposes of just increasing the ceiling, but when it comes to contracting the debt itself, it will have to come through this House as required by Article 95(4)(c) of the Constitution, that requires Parliament to oversight revenues and expenditures of Government. Hon. Speaker, ... view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: billion. All these projects are in our constituencies. Are we saying that we want to oppose development in our constituencies? I am very surprised that Members can oppose this. I do not know which Members are in good terms with their governors; we are in good terms, but he has refused to give me any sense at all for developing roads in my constituency from his Constituency Roads Fund. We are giving ourselves development funds here and Members can stand and say that they are in opposition. That is why I was saying that some opposition is in the form ... view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, he needs to listen before he raises a point of order. It is important and I hope that the Cabinet Secretary is listening. We would like him to put in place a unit called “money for value unit”, so that whenever a project is put into this House, they should tell us its value and whether we are getting any value for money from it. I support. view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is good to see you back in the House. We missed you for sometime including in my Committee and we still want to express our heartfelt condolences to your family. I rise to support this Motion. This Motion is very important; this arises out of the promulgation of the new Constitution that was passed in 2010. Previously it was not necessary for the Executive, as the Leader of Majority Party has clearly stated, to report to the National Assembly on matters attached to international development, particularly on international treaty making. As a consequence ... view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: treaties and conventions. This is one way of regulating their conduct. Kenya, being one of the countries within the international arena, continuously engages in treaty making for purposes of regulating its conduct with other states for the benefit of the Kenyan citizens. Globalisation is a reality and continues to intensify. We see within the international framework that the international political order requires interdependence in areas such as technological innovations, international trade, in fighting terrorism and drug cartels. Therefore international order requires that we engage in this sort of relationship. It is important for the Executive to bring those matters that ... view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: If you look at the gadgets that have been installed in the houses which the Chinese nationals had leased in Runda, they were a danger to this country. They were intended to siphon money from our plastic cards. So, if that is not arrested, they are going to cause tremendous losses to our country and other countries. We appear to have given a safe haven to criminals without our knowledge. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, so, the Executive will also bring some of these treaties that they have signed, including those dealing with poaching. As you know, poaching has become a ... view
  • 9 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 3 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I rise to support this amendment on the following grounds. One, Article 27(1) of the Constitution states clearly that every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law. The former Deputy Prime Minister is entitled to the benefit of the law like any other person, because he held a high office. It is very important for us to know that when you retire it means that you are no longer engaged in anything that is active. view


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