Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2541 to 2550 of 3315.

  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: (viii) by inserting the following new provision in its proper numerical sequence — view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: s. 8 (1) Insert the words “offered by legal education providers” immediately after the word “Kenya” appearing in paragraph (a). view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: (ix) by inserting the following new provision in its proper numerical sequence — view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: s. 8 (2) Insert the word “providers” immediately after the word “be responsible” appearing in s. 8(2). (x) by inserting a new paragraph immediately after paragraph (d) as follows- “recognize and approve qualifications obtained outside Kenya for purposes of admission to the Roll” appearing in s. 8(1); view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: (xi) by inserting the following new provision in its proper numerical sequence — view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: s. 13 Insert the word “providers” immediately after the words “be responsible” appearing in paragraph (a). (xii) by inserting the word “PROVIDERS” immediately after the word “EDUCATION” appearing in Part III; (xiii) by inserting the words “upon the advice of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission” appearing in s. 40 (1). (xiv) by deleting the words “Council may, with the approval of the Cabinet Secretary” and substitute therefore the words “Cabinet Secretary may, upon recommendation by the Council and with the prior approval of the National Assembly,” appearing in s. 46 (1). (xv) by deleting the words “Higher Education” appearing in ... view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, the Committee deliberated upon all those recommendations for purposes of making amendments to the parent Act and we have a number of proposals to the amendments. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: First, we are seeking to amend Section 4(5) (a). In that amendment, we are seeking to cure an anomaly that was contained in the Act in which it stated as follows:- “The Attorney-General will appoint the Chair of the Council while the Attorney- General himself is a member of the Council. So, there is no way you, as a member of the Council sitting as a member, you can wear a different hat and decide to appoint a Chair. That is an anomaly. So, what we have provided is that the Chair of the Council shall be appointed by the ... view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: The other proposal that we are making is this: There was a proposal that persons be appointed from the private and public sector. What we have done is to clean it up to provide that public universities who are providers of legal education will appoint one person to the Council and private universities providing legal training will appoint one person to sit in the Council. The reason for that is that issues that touch on private and public universities are not the same. They are different and so, we wanted to ensure that all those experiences are brought to the ... view
  • 13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: So, those are the amendments we are making to ensure that the Council is balanced and the others are purely just corrections. We are removing Higher Education and replacing it with University Education. That is because, as you know, we no longer have anything called Higher Education. We now have a Commission for University Education (CUE). So, we just made those consequential amendments. view


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