13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Absolutely! In fact, according to this country’s latest population census results, there are 51 per cent women in this country as compared to 49 per cent men. In fact, men are under threat. In fact, there should be affirmative action in favour of the male gender to ensure that the positions that we are aspiring for are also reserved for men. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, it looks like the Member for Mbita would like to intervene.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Of course, she is my junior but I have a lot of respect for her.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, she is not my senior. I will not listen because what I am saying is a fact. It is only that she sees me as a young man because of my looks. Looks can be very deceptive.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, we hope that with the passage of this Bill, we will have better structured consultations with the LSK. We had a meeting in the last one week and expressed our concerns. We hope that with the passage of this Bill, we will have better and structured consultations with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK). We had a meeting in the past one week and we expressed our concerns that we do not expect the Council of the LSK to be speaking to us through newspapers. We are available as a Committee. If there are any issues in which ...
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, a recent concern that I had about the LSK, and I thought we, probably, corrected it was when the High Court recently issued an order which I thought, to the best of my knowledge, was frivolous. It said that Members of this The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
House have been earning more salary than what was approved by the Sarah Serem Commission. In fact, I went and checked my payslip and I found that it was the same as the one gazetted by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). I wondered what purpose the order, which was issued by the Judiciary, served. In fact, it was in vain.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
The LSK, without checking with us, came out and said that they, in fact, supported that. We wondered what they were supporting because we are not in breach of any law. We would like to assure the LSK that we obey Chapter Six of the Constitution. We believe in integrity, honesty and in earning monies that are due to us and are approved in accordance with the Constitution.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
The salary that we are earning, as we speak today, is what was approved by the SRC; we do not earn a cent more. I wish we had earned the purported Kshs1.2 million that we saw reported in the newspapers; that amount has not been paid to the Members of the National Assembly. I will be happy to receive it, but, unfortunately, we have not been paid that amount of money. What was gazetted is what we are being paid.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, we would like to inform some people that we do not earn more than what was approved. As far as I am concerned, the only jurisprudence value that judgment was to us is the obiter that, in fact, stated very categorically that the Judiciary cannot stop the National Assembly from debating issues or making decisions with regard to matters that are before it. We accept that and it is, in fact, consistent with the Constitution and all other written laws. Their obiter should have been the ratio decidendi. That should have been the matter that should ...
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
We would like to inform the LSK that in future, they should consult with the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs or seek information and we will be available to give it.