13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, the other issue that the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs is happy to present to this House is the fair representation in the Council. One of the amendments that we are seeking to introduce to this Bill is the representation by people or advocates, who have practised for over 25 years. We notice that the Council Members are very junior. We want, at least, one person who has practised for over 25 years. I have not reached there yet because I am still below par. However, I hope that when I get there, hon. ...
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
One of the things that we would like to ensure it is enshrined in this is that our Senior Counsel, Hon. Olago Aluoch, is given an opportunity to be a Member of Council when he retires.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
We also seek to ensure, through this Bill, that the persons who will be elected as the Chair and the Vice-Chair will not have been persons who had been Council Members before. The only requirement that we have put in the recommendation is that such a person must have practised law for over 15 years. That is the equivalent of a person who would be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court. So, we intend to move certain amendments to ensure that we re-align this to the interests of the Members of the LSK.
13 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
12 Feb 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to lay the following Papers was laid on the Table
5 Dec 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to move the following Procedural Motion on behalf of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs:- THAT, pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 120, this House resolves that the publication period for the Vetting of Judges and Magistrates (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 44 of 2013) be reduced from 14 to 4 days. Hon. Speaker, the reason the Committee is requesting for that reduction is because of the delayed publication of this Bill. Although I signed this Bill on 11th November, 2013 it was only published on 2nd December, 2013. This was a ...
5 Dec 2013 in National Assembly:
occasioned at the Government Printers. I think they had too much work and so they were unable to process this particular Bill. This is a very important Bill because it will resuscitate the Vetting Board whose term comes to an end on 31st December, 2013. If this amendment is not passed, it means that the Vetting Board will not be able to conclude the vetting of the pending 300 Magistrates. This is an Act of Parliament that was created pursuant to the passage of the new Constitution, particularly under the Seventh Schedule, Clause 23 of the Constitution. Kenyans required that ...
5 Dec 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, what is required is just a simple amendment to the proposed amendment to say “subject to any written law, an educational institution that is not accredited---”
5 Dec 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, we have agreed with hon. Kang’ata on the wording. Since there is amendment to Clause 6---
5 Dec 2013 in National Assembly:
No, it is Clause 6. There is an amendment to that clause on educational accreditation. We have agreed that it reads as follows: “Subject to Clause 6, an educational institution that is not accredited under this Act, shall not offer or teach courses in journalism.” This is because we have already provided for educational institutions under Clause 6 of the Bill. The reason as to why we were saying that is that we wanted to take into consideration the Commission for Higher Education accreditation. There is already an institution which does accreditation.