1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 6 of the Bill be amended — (i) in sub clause (5) by deleting the words “the National Assembly and the Senate” and substituting therefor the term “Parliament.” (ii) by inserting the following new clause immediately after clause (5) — “(5A) Parliament shall adopt the report submitted under subsection (5) within twenty one days.” (iii)by deleting sub clause (6) and substituting therefor the following new sub clause. “(6) The Commission shall implement the recommendations of the adopted audit report within a period of thirty days and submit its implementation report to Parliament.”
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
We are saying that as soon as the audit report is tabled in the House, it should also be considered. It should not just be tabled and implemented. We are saying that the House cannot legislate itself out of the business of oversight. We are not telling you to mutilate the Report. We are only saying that this House cannot legislate itself out oversight. If they refuse to pass it, then do not refer anything with regard to this.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
We are saying that as soon as the audit report is tabled in the House, it should also be considered. It should not just be tabled and implemented. We are saying that the House cannot legislate itself out of the business of oversight. We are not telling you to mutilate the Report. We are only saying that this House cannot legislate itself out oversight. If they refuse to pass it, then do not refer anything with regard to this.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, as a result of the defeat of Hon. Kipyegon’s amendment, mine becomes obsolete. I beg to withdraw my amendment.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, as a result of the defeat of Hon. Kipyegon’s amendment, mine becomes obsolete. I beg to withdraw my amendment.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move:-
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move:-
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
THAT, Clause 10 of the Bill be amended— (i) in sub-clause (2) by inserting the expression “(4)’ appearing immediately after the words “Article 88.” (ii) in the proposed new sub section (2D) by deleting the word “selected” and substituting therefor the word “nominated.” (iii)by inserting the following new sub section immediately after the proposed new sub section (2D) — “(2E) without prejudice to section (2D) a political party may elect to rely on the Register of Voters in conducting the nominations. (2F) Where the Commission receives multiple requests under subsection 2, the Commission shall conduct and supervise the nomination of ...
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
THAT, Clause 10 of the Bill be amended— (i) in sub-clause (2) by inserting the expression “(4)’ appearing immediately after the words “Article 88.” (ii) in the proposed new sub section (2D) by deleting the word “selected” and substituting therefor the word “nominated.” (iii)by inserting the following new sub section immediately after the proposed new sub section (2D) — “(2E) without prejudice to section (2D) a political party may elect to rely on the Register of Voters in conducting the nominations. (2F) Where the Commission receives multiple requests under subsection 2, the Commission shall conduct and supervise the nomination of ...
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
(c) in different polling streams for each participating political party.” (iv) by inserting the following new sub section immediately after sub section (2E) — “(2F) Parliament shall appropriate monies for the effective implementation of this section.” (v) by inserting the following new section immediately after section 31— “31A. Each political party shall ensure that not more than two- thirds of the persons contesting are of the same gender.”