6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Hon. Deputy Speaker.
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs had planned visits to all the 47 counties to collect views with regard to the IEBC among other things, but since the House has approved the formation of the Select Committee, the visits stand suspended. The substantive Speaker mentioned this in his Communication to the Committee with regard to what was going on outside. We discussed this in the Committee and we agreed that once it is passed, the proposed visits to the counties will stand suspended to allow the Select Committee to collect views. With regard to the ...
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Hon. Speaker.
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
I rise on a point of order pursuant to Standing Order No.83 read together with Standing Order Nos.58, 97 and 107(i). As you know these Members were discharged pursuant to your Communication that is dated, 16th June 2016. In your Communication, you candidly stated that CORD alleges its decision to discharge its Members from the said Committee arose from perceptions that appropriate consideration may not have been accorded to the input of its Members on certain matters before the Committee, in particular the coalition sides, on the matter of the Indpendent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and other electoral reforms. ...
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
elected to make allegations against me. I do not know whether his was through selection. He is my good friend and he is the one who has made the allegations. I expected him to apologise. The Standing Orders are very clear that the Powers and Privileges Committee has been approved. What I am seeking is the postponement of a decision on this matter and it be referred to the Powers and Privileges Committee so that we can adduce evidence to show that there was prevention of Members of CORD from participating in the proceedings of the Departmental Committee on Justice ...
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
When they come back, how sure are they that we will not prevent them from participating? We have a super majority in the Committee, we are 18. So, what environment has changed that they believe now they should come back? The Chair has not changed. I was democratically elected by a majority of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs Members. This business of de-whipping Members and bringing them back because you want to curtail some debates from Members--- These are very sharp Members. We have minutes to prove that all the Members of the Departmental Committee on Justice ...
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, you just do not arrive. There is no arrival by chance. It was a planned journey that we arrived in this House. So, for people to think that we conduct meetings in a very malicious manner, I urge you to invoke Standing Order NoS. 83 and 58 which are very clear. When a Member makes an allegation against another Member, that investigation must be undertaken. Secondly, if he does not apologise, Standing Order No. 107 (i) deems that conduct itself to be disorderly and deliberate. I would like to believe that when Hon. Mwadeghu was elected as Member ...
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
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6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I am begging. Now it is no longer a right because you must make a decision and so I am at your mercy and not this House. Hon. Speaker, I am urging you to take serious view of this matter.
6 Jul 2016 in National Assembly:
No. The allegations were made by the Whip of the Minority Party in his letter which he communicated to you. I have the Hon. Speaker’s communication in which you have quoted very clearly. In fact I read it. It is just that you chose to speak to your neighbour when I was speaking but I can read for the benefit of doubt. Hon. Speaker, this is what you said while you were communicating: “Hon. Members, in the letter the CORD alleges that its decision to discharge its membership from the said Committee arose from the perceptions that appropriate consideration may ...