Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 931 to 940 of 3315.

  • 2 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: uprising in the 1950s that had a great impact on the clamour for Independence. The subsequent regimes that followed after Independence, that is 1960s and 1970s were lauded for their commitment towards improving the situation of Kenyan citizens, especially in areas related to access to small land holders, health education and poverty alleviation. However, during that period, Kenya was also a de facto one party State, which restricted the enjoyment of civil and political rights such as democratic rights and activities of opposition politicians and political parties. In the 1980s, the de jure one party state heightened restrictions on political ... view
  • 2 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: 8 Wednesday 2nd December, 2015(A) This crisis brought into sharp focus the limitations of the country’s democratic governance systems, which generally failed to diffuse the conflict and prevent human rights violations. The 2007 post-election crisis also brought with it a renewed sense of urgency for far- reaching constitutional and legal policy and institutional reforms that have a bearing on the inter- dependent issues of human rights, democratic governance, rule of law and security. This turbulent historical background has contributed largely to the economic, political and social challenges that have hindered the realization of rights by majority of Kenyans. The challenges ... view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in the Schedule— (a) in the proposed amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code by inserting the words “the Sexual Offences Act” immediately after the words “Laundering Act” in the proposed new section 364 (1)(c). view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. The manner in which I moved the amendment caused a little bit of confusion. If you look at the amendments as contained in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, it states the instances in which bail can be granted before stay. What we have just done is to include sexual offences in the many other instances. For instance, what has been stated in the amendment is that it includes Prevention of Terrorism Act, the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act, and so many others that are contained in this particular amendment. Therefore, we ... view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in the Schedule— (b) in the proposed amendments to the Prisons Act ─ (i) by deleting the word “office” appearing immediately after the words “or for an” in the proposed new section 46(1)(ii) and substituting therefor the word “offence”; (ii) by deleting the words “or while malingering” appearing immediately after the word “fault” in the proposed new section 46(3)(a); (iii) by deleting the word “if” appearing immediately after the words “considers that” in the proposed new section 46 (4)(b) and substituting therefor the word “it”; (iv) by ... view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: The Act is seeking to remove the discretion of the Board of Mercy in granting remission to a prisoner who has reformed. Therefore, we are saying that that right should not be taken away from the Board of Mercy and that should be retained. So, we are making those proposals. Thank you. view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: I must thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman for giving me this opportunity. I wish to make the following further amendment in consultation with--- view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, those are fundamental amendments. As you know, I am a former regulator. You know I am the first regulator of telecommunications in this country, having started the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK). The proposals here are okay. However, with respect to Section 84W(4) and Section 84W(5) you are actually taking away the powers of the Communication Authority of Kenya which is a constitutional body, and giving them to the Competition Authority. I wish, therefore, to make the following amendment--- view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: I have a further amendment which I am proposing now with the approval of the Mover. Of course, the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs is ordinarily the owner of this Bill. It is just that the Leader of the Majority Party is the sponsor. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 1 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move the following further amendment:- THAT, the deletion under Section 84W be deleted and be substituted therefor with the following--- view


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