Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 981 to 990 of 3315.

  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 26(ii) be amended as follows:- In sentence two, immediately after “made” remove the word “an” and replace with the word “a final” so that any application can be made thereafter. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Secondly, on Clause 3 in sentence (iii), before “any” remove that word “any” and replace it with the word “a final”. That makes a lot of sense because if you just say every quarter---. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 27 of the Bill be amended in sub-clause (3) by deleting the expression “(1)” appearing immediately after the word “subsection” and substituting therefor the expression “(2)”. This is to substitute the correct tools with the correct reference. Thank you. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 28 of the Bill be amended in sub-clause (2) by deleting the word “had” appearing immediately after the words “on the claim” and substituting therefor the word “has”. This is a grammatical correction. We are seeking to improve the grammar in the Clause. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chair. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 32 of the Bill be amended— (a) in sub-clause (1) by deleting the words “by the strict” appearing immediately after the word “bound” and substituting therefor the words “wholly by the”; (b) by deleting sub-clause (8). This is to allow the courts discretion to employ various rules of evidence on case by case basis thus granting courts flexibility. Secondly, this is to require that the courts maintain records. Previously, the Clause did not require that the courts maintain any records. The reason being that we are requiring these ... view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 37 of the Bill be amended— The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: (a) by deleting sub-clause (2); (b) in sub-clause (5) by deleting the expression “46 (3)” appearing immediately after the words “under section” and substituting therefor the expression “40”. That is purely to correct the references that were wrongly inserted in that Clause. Thank you. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 38 of the Bill be amended by deleting the word “matter” appearing immediately after the words “High Court on” and substituting therefor the word “matters”. This is purely to correct grammatical errors that were in the clause. Thank you. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 39 of the Bill be amended by inserting the following paragraph immediately after paragraph (a)— “(aA) order the attachment of the salary of the judgment debtor; or” The reason for this amendment is to allow the court discretion to grant orders of the attachment of salaries of a judgment debtor whenever a judgement has been issued against that particular debtor to ensure that the judgment is satisfied. Thank you. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the ... view


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