13 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, it will require the Chair to make a ruling on this; not necessarily on who represents what, but on the quality of approvals for these things. If you look at the case that I have just presented, it is possible that sometimes in the process, we allow this House to be used by people of interest. Also, on declaring interest, the Senator for Nandi County should have declared his interest in this matter. They share a common name with the petitioner, and that name can only be said in Swahili. It is the one that the Governor ...
13 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I will not tire the House on this matter. I did not name anybody; I did not even say the name I was going to say. It is mostly in Swahili.
13 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Now, Madam Temporary Speaker, if I were to appeal to you, the purpose will be to make sure that we approve the petitions that meet the threshold to be allowed in this House for purposes of prosecution.
13 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Thank you very much, Madam Temporary Speaker.
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I join you and my colleagues in welcoming the girls from Chief Mbogori Girls’ Secondary School in Tharaka Nithi County. I congratulate their school administration for bringing them here because it is not every day that a school gets a chance to come to the Senate. I encourage many other girls’ schools within the region to come here. We encourage our girls to see their place in leadership. Girls should not expect tokens from any one. They can work hard and be where we are. They can also learn to share and communicate well with others so ...
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
I hope now that Chief Mbogori Girls’ Secondary School has come to the Senate, the students will present a good image and avoid vices such as cheating in examinations and other shortcuts. Chief Mbogori Girls’ Secondary School is recognized all over the country as a school with discipline. Keep up the good work because we wish you all the best.
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I would like to support the Statement that has come from my colleague, Hon. Khaniri. It is very important that we deal with it in the way that we have raised before about the education system in this country.
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
If you look at the situation right now, it is as though there are two people fighting, one being the CS for Education and the other being the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General. It is now dividing Kenyans into who will support who, which is the wrong way to go about education in this country.
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
I will give an example in my county where teachers are lacking and basic facilities are not yet everywhere. To support what the Statement says, we must think about this as citizens as well as legislators.