6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, as the East African Community (EAC), we should also be thinking about the education system that kind of works for the community rather than each of us trying to look in different directions. I hope the direction where we are moving will bring the EAC together in matters, education. We should enjoy the fact that Kenyans can go to school within East Africa and get the same education and the others can come and learn from us.
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
I want to join my colleagues in saying that this Statement proceeds and gets the support it deserves because our children and grandchildren will benefit or may have a wrong approach to education.
6 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. I want to join you and the rest in condemning the brutal attack on our colleague. The security of a Senator is of paramount importance. It is important for Kenyans to know that we are here to serve them. They should rescue Members of Parliament if they notice that they are in danger rather than joining the attackers. The Senate Majority Leader and I come from a region prone to cattle rustling, and we see people who have been killed. We are not only asking about our security, but the security of our people as ...
4 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I stand to support the Petition by the Senior Counsel, Sen. Omogeni; brought by Sen. Cherargei. I agree that the lawyers in the House apparently know exactly what to do. However, as a non-lawyer, who is observing from a distance, I would also like to help put things in a certain perspective. Generally, we have lost certain things in our education system, and we must not blame these things on examinations. We must track back to where we lost our interest in reading, literature, religion and studying. There is a situation where today – this ...
4 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, my time has been taken by that information, which is a way of debating. I am only saying that lawyers, who have an interest in KSL, must go back to making Law a desired profession and encourage the studies of law that are required at the O Level for people to study. If many young people cheated in examinations, as has been proved - they got As and they went to the KSL, how then do you--- We must now begin to be serious about selecting. In conclusion, as the Bible says, many are called, but few ...
4 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Not everybody can practise Law. They can pass examinations at the university, but not everybody can be good at practising.
4 Jun 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
4 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Sen. M. Kajwang’ made a claim that he must substantiate. To begin with, he likened this House to a market and went ahead to say that we have our fair share of mentally disorderly people. He went on to say that our share is related to that of Luanda Market. That can easily point to a certain direction. Can he shed some light on that? Why did he liken this House to a market?
4 Jun 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I think it is good for Sen. M. Kajwang’, as he thinks of what to do, to refer to Standing Order No.96 (3) on offensive language to this House. I was concerned that he would think that we have a fair share of lunatics in the House. That would require the action of retracting, withdrawing, and apologizing. The rest has been well spoken. Thank you very much.