27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I believe that it comes back to you that in future, when a Motion is touching on a matter where the premise is not necessarily confirmed, we cannot proceed it. This is within my right as the one who is opposing it. This is one of the reasons I am opposing it. I am the Member of Parliament for Kacheliba. There are no Uganda security forces present.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
With those few remarks, I beg to oppose.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. The hon. Member is definitely misleading this House. Mine is to advise the President on matters of information, communications and technology. The hon. Member is definitely misleading this House.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. I think ignorance is sometimes good for people like this one. This is what he calls a firearm.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
If this is a firearm, I have never been armed. I have never carried a gun on me. So, you can now tell what kind of membership we have in the House. This is what we are encouraging in this House. I want you to make a ruling in this House because that is a bad intention on a Member of Parliament.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is about time this hon. Member declared to the nation and to the House what he has about me, and what is his interest about my phone. I can now deliberately go ahead and show him that it is a Nokia phone. It is a very high-tech phone â Nokia E75. It is so complicated for some people. So, I want him to see it.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
So, where do I shoot from? What does it look like? But more importantly, it is about my character. He has to apologize, not just to me, but also to the people who brought me here!
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
He has apologized! I do not want us to refer to the same matter.
27 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I will not say anything more, except this: Everyone of us walking into this Chamber is actually searched at the door. When you come in through