23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
What is your point of order?
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
I think there is a deliberate attempt to interrupt the hon. Member.
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
Proceed, Mr. Kajwang!
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! Order! If this continues, I will throw people out. There should be no competition for points of order! There can only be competition for people to contribute. If you want to raise on a point of order, do so in an orderly fashion. Why should there be a competition for points of order? Why are you not allowing the hon. Member to speak and give his opinion?
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
There is interest.
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! Even if you have availed ways of trying to stop Mr. Kajwang from contributing, I am going to let him say his bit. If you want to say your bit, you will say it. Proceed, Mr. Kajwang!
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Kajwang! On that point, I will tell you that I am still looking at this document and I have not ascertained whether it is properly before the House. So, proceed---
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
Do you want to proceed on this particular letter or you can use other examples? I am looking at this letter with a view to telling you if it is acceptable for you to proceed with it, you cannot say anything on the basis of something that has not been properly laid.
23 Aug 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! I do not want this House to be used to discredit anybody. I do not even know why, you would like to discuss the people who have written or received this letter. If you want to give examples, why do you not do so without having to drag names or people who cannot defend themselves here? I have seen the letter and I am reading it. I need a lot more expertise to know if this letter, which has no letterhead; it is written on personal letter heads, is actually originating from the people who have signed it. To ...