12 Jun 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Rotino! You do not correct any disorder by being disorderly yourself. Proceed, Mr. Raila!
12 Jun 2007 in National Assembly:
Are you still addressing the same issue?
12 Jun 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Capt. Nakitare! Actually, there is no Ministry of Works. You keep talking about a Ministry which is not existent. It is the Ministry of Roads and Public Works.
12 Jun 2007 in National Assembly:
I have no problem with what you call it. However, it is not the Ministry of Works or the Ministry of Roads.
12 Jun 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Muturi, you will continue for 20 minutes when debate on this Bill resumes next time. Hon. Members, it is now time to interrupt our business. Therefore, the House stands adjourned until tomorrow, Wednesday, 13th June, 2007, at 9.00 a.m. The House rose at 6.30 p.m.
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! Why are you on your feet? Hon. Member for Mathira, how can you be on your feet when another hon. Member is talking? Proceed!