29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Why do you not come and speak from here?
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Dr. Khalwale! Surely, how does that become a subject of this House now? Proceed, but let us try and avoid that subject.
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! The matter has been concluded and we are through with it. We should just proceed with the next Motion. Do not use this opportunity to debate something which is already concluded.
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
What is your point of order?
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! Mr. Minister, you are actually contributing to the debate. That is an argument.
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Minister, what language are you using now?
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
I think I only have a few minutes. It is less than five minutes, I think. Proceed, hon. Member for Kipipiri!
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Minister! Order, Members! I just want hon. Members to know that this recess is going to be less than two weeks. So, this debate will only be for 30 minutes. Some hon. Members are asking why the debate will not take three hours. It is because we are not going for that long. So, proceed!
29 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, it is now time for the interruption of business. The House is, therefore, adjourned until Tuesday, 12th June, 2007, at 2.30 p.m. The House rose at 6.30 p.m.
24 May 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Members! It is our practice that if you do not want to remain in the Chamber, you withdraw quietly. If you would like to consult, do so quietly. As you can see, the hon. Member on the Floor is straining his voice, trying to speak above yours. So, those who want to withdraw, please withdraw quietly so that we can proceed.