28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. The Assistant Minister seems to be trivialising this issue. He is misleading this House in trying to put generic terms that all of us are affected by the RFV. In fact, the issue of pastoral areas cannot be compared with those of his constituency or Sirisia Constituency! Is he not misleading the nation when talking about pastoralists, whose livelihood only depends on livestock? When affected by the RVF, they are totally decimated!
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I would like to also add my voice to the thanks of this House that go to the Speech that was made by His Excellency the President. This is a national address of sorts. We have important things that come out of that Speech. Many times, I find it loaded with many things. However, I would like to point out that this being the home stretch in an election year, the Government of the day is giving the final state of the nation address, identifying areas where they have succeeded, areas where they have a ...
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
When His Excellency the President was citing that, he cited the long history of that place. I would like to begin on that note; that the Pokot people from Kacheliba Constituency convey their thanks for the new district of Pokot North. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would also like to mention that because it is a new district, and like many of the parts of the pastoral districts in this country, the so-called Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) - I would like to ask that affirmative action continues to be the principle of this Government so that, we may catch up. ...
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I just wanted to give some information on it; I am not dwelling on it. It is best suited for Kacheliba Constituency and similar places, but I cannot afford it. However, the other thing that has come up is the issue of the media focusing on sleeping hon. Members. I would like to suggest that in future, functions like the State Opening should be changed, so that we have it in the morning when hon. Members are still very strong and fresh. Maybe we should have it on Wednesday mornings or any on other morning, so that ...
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! Order, hon. Members! This issue has even been ruled on this morning. So, let us leave these things out of our discussion. Let us talk about the President's Speech, which had nothing to do with the Hummer or whatever it is!
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Kimeto! That is not parliamentary language. What did you say they do with the money?
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
That is better than the word you had used before, which is unparliamentary.