28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Proceed, Mrs. Kihara!
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Mrs. Kihara, you may respond just in case you, really, want to inform us. Really, it is further tribalising issues when we name, mention or discuss hon. Members of this House in this manner. If you would like to respond, you may do so.
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
I did not see that as a point of order, but you can proceed.
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! Order! Mrs. Kihara, it seems that you have chosen to respond to Mr. Ochilo-Ayacko's point of order. Now, you must respond convincingly, because you are dealing with something that has been raised during your time. That is why the Chair cautioned, even earlier on, that this issue of tribalising debate in the House is catching on so much. We are making capital out of it and it is, really, not good. So, let us talk about things that will contribute towards nation building and unite Kenyans, et cetera . Anyway, Mrs. Kihara, the hon. Member has asked you to ...
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Certainly, Mrs. Kihara, that is our rule. You have mentioned the name of an hon. Member and you have the obligation to act honourably. If you cannot substantiate your allegation, then you have to withdraw it and apologise.
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Well, that means you know the previous one was a frivolous point of order. Now, what is it? It had better be a point of order because you are taking Mr. Konchella's time!
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Madam Assistant Minister, you actually have a responsibility to this House. If you cannot substantiate the allegation, you should withdraw and apologise. The most honourable thing for you to do is to withdraw. You cannot name certain hon. Members and leave the issue at that. Your time is not over yet and you have to finish that business. March 28, 2007 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 177
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Odoyo, you know he cannot name the hon. Member!
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Madam Assistant Minister, do not take our time. This is a serious matter and you cannot postpone withdrawing and apologising.
28 Mar 2007 in National Assembly:
Order! Your time is up.