31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! Order! Mr. Billow, did the Minister raise a valid point of order when he said that you were misleading the House?
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Billow, I am referring to the matter he raised on the Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya; on whether he is a constitutional office holder. I was listening to hear whether you would say that he is basically right.
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Very well, proceed. That is what I wanted to hear.
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Sungu, what is it?
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Proceed, Mr. Sungu!
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Sungu, what is your point of order?
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Sungu! You are out of order. Proceed, Ms. Karua!
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Ms. Karua! I do not think there is need to follow up on this matter, but are you suggesting that there is no such law? That is the gist of the matter.
31 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Ms. Karua! We have no time left; you will pick up from there when debate on this Motion resumes. Hon. Members, it is now time to interrupt the business of the House. This House, therefore, stands adjourned until tomorrow, Wednesday, 1st November, 2006, at 9.00 a.m. The House rose at 6.30 p.m.
26 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! You are forcing the hon. 3202 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES October 26, 2006 Member to raise his voice because of loud consultations! Could you, please, consult in low tones?