26 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! There are loud consultations. There is a group meeting inside the Chamber! Order, Mr. Muiruri! You have a choice. You cannot consult that loudly! Proceed!
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this important Motion. I would like to thank my friend, Mr. Syongo, for introducing the Motion to this House. Unfortunately, a Motion as serious as this one has lacked attendance and has not been taken seriously, especially by the Government side. That calls on us to think about Private Members' Motions and how effective they are in this House. I know we have had one or two successful cases. However, the Government needs to pay more attention to Private Members' Motions because, as you can ...
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like you to protect me from the only hon. Members who are seated on the Government side.
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the livestock sector needs to be considered in terms of export. People who have been exporting livestock have come up with their own policies to control the trade. They have made negotiations on their own and there is no co- ordination on the type of livestock to be exported. There are no policies regarding how to develop the sector within the country for export and even for import, if need be. If this Bill is brought to the House, it will force the Government to consider what kind of products we have. I do not ...
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Abdirahman, are you still moving the amendment? October 25, 2006 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 3117
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
I am just saying that the draft amendment can be passed over so that you can continue.
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Is it a drafted amendment?
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
I think you should get advice from the Chair and the Clerks to see whether it is acceptable.
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
You can seek the assistance of the Clerks.
25 Oct 2006 in National Assembly:
Please, address yourself to the Motion as it is.