28 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, there is a much more serious matter which was raised alongside things that have been cited. This is the fact that two Committee sittings could not raise quorum at the same time. I want to speak to Members directly. That is what we should deal with and that is why we are in the Senate. When we meet in devolved functions like in the Committee on Health, we should take it as the primary thing we are doing, especially when we have a leader like Sen. Farhiya in that Committee. Madam Deputy Speaker, part of the Leadership ...
28 Sep 2021 in Senate:
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28 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, although my friend Sen. Olekina has finished speaking, there is a word in English that he has used, which I do not think is really parliamentary.
28 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, I would like to second this Motion. I am a Member of the Committee. I recommend that we take the shortest time possible and pass these Regulations because this Fund is long overdue. The Report is not asking for funds because they already exist. However, they have been there for 11 years without being used. We now have many counties. We also have the rules and regulations for the operationalization of this Fund. Since this is urgent and many counties have been waiting for long and the period left is short, I urge us to pass the ...
28 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, my intention is not to disrupt the Senator for Nairobi City County. This is Nairobi so he has the right to speak. Sen. Sakaja can tell us all about Nairobi City County. However, the one thing that I would like to remind him is that the Senate did a public participation on this matter. The CRA invited the Senate and that is the point at which he could have differed or increased what he thinks. We all approved the formula that is before us. I would like to remind Sen. Sakaja that this formula is not new; ...
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay to following Papers on the Table of the Senate today, Wednesday, 23rd September, 2021: (1) Report of the Auditor-General on financial statements of Kilifi-Mariakani Ward and Sewerage Company Limited for the year ended 30th June, 2019. (2) Report of the Auditor-General on financial statements of Kilifi County Micro- finance (Mbegu) Fund for the year ended 30th June, 2019. (3) Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements of Meru County Oils Limited for the year ended 30th June, 2019. (4) Report of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of Mombasa County Consolidated Revolving ...
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, Thursday, 23rd September, 2021: Report of the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources on the Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill, (Senate Bills No. 25 of 2020).
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I want to begin by conveying condolences to the family, friends, and business partners of the late Mr. Macharia. Whatever happened in that situation is not to be condoned, it is to be condemned. Any human life is precious, and that is our job. The Constitution provides the rights of all Kenyans. I commend Sen. Omanga for bringing this case to us. This should go to the right Committee, and I think that the Members of that Committee will do a good job like they have done. We take this very seriously. I agree that we need ...
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. Some of the things to take note of before I read this Statement, some of the Members who are speaking to this matter are Members of the Committee of Health and they have all the opportunity to go and deal with this matter. They are speaking to themselves and the matter is going to be referred to them. So they should take note and then go and deal with it.
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, mine is just to concur with the rest of the Members as they have spoken on the importance of the Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations and the whole purpose of consulting so that we can agree on who serves where.