23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, there is headache for the Whips and the Chairpersons of Committees. Something that we should address in that Kamukunji is the fact that Members do not attend Committees. There are Members who want to be in four or five Committees and they hardly appear in any of them. I want us to look at that. If we do---
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, what have I said that is out of order? I just wanted us to agree here that that when that Kamukunji comes--- That is okay. I can take a point of information.
23 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, you know miracles still happen. I agree with Members. Please, let us not have the desire to have more Committees than we can handle. Let us make sure that every Member belongs to at least two Standing Committees. There needs to be a general agreement with the other Committees. I agree and look forward to the time when we can conclude with this matter.
21 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I join you in congratulating yourself and the ruling.
21 Sep 2021 in Senate:
You can congratulate yourself. Let us use this opportunity to congratulate you, notwithstanding what the Senator is raising because the point of order should have followed your ruling and not the point of order on a matter that has been passed. We are already on another order, and so, he cannot be raising a point of order on an Order that was two days ago.
21 Sep 2021 in Senate:
I think you had invited Sen. Olekina to know that the Speaker’s ruling is the matter that is current. That is what we should be discussing. You raised a point of order on that matter. If the Speaker is making a ruling, there will be nothing out of order.
21 Sep 2021 in Senate:
I congratulate the Speaker on the matter he raised on the media. The matter of fuel prices will come tomorrow. The issue we should be talking about is the misleading media report that caused a problem to a Member of this House.
21 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Order! We can then raise the matter of our friend, Sen. Kang’ata, who was misrepresented. The media raised issues about Sen. Kang’ata and the Speaker has made a ruling. Mine is to support the Speaker on the matter. When I was in the Ministry of Information, I created the Media Council of Kenya, which is responsible for the rules that bind the media. This means they cannot misreport, just as I heard Sen. Wetangula speak. He said that even if Sen. Kang’ata had problems with anybody, we would defend him when it comes to being misrepresented and misreported. As your ...
7 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to welcome Ms. Phan to Kenya. It is good to see her this side of the ocean and to know that she still maintains a relationship with her students. I want to declare that I am one of those that who have been through her course at ILI. We really enjoyed our time there. She was so responsible. We appreciate the fact that she has come to follow up on the relationship between us, the institute, and her personally. She has made so many personal friends among the students. We got ...
7 Sep 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to welcome Ms. Phan to Kenya. It is good to see her this side of the ocean and to know that she still maintains a relationship with her students. I want to declare that I am one of those that who have been through her course at ILI. We really enjoyed our time there. She was so responsible. We appreciate the fact that she has come to follow up on the relationship between us, the institute, and her personally. She has made so many personal friends among the students. We got ...