4 Mar 2021 in Senate:
the coming recess period to consider and table reports on Petitions as required under Standing Order No.232(2). In conclusion, I thank all Senators for the dedication and commitment they have continued to show in their work in service to the people of Kenya.
4 Mar 2021 in Senate:
I thank you and hereby lay the Statement on the Table of the Senate. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
4 Mar 2021 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to Move the following Motion-
4 Mar 2021 in Senate:
THAT, pursuant to Standing Order Nos. 28 and 29, the Senate do adjourn until Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021.
4 Mar 2021 in Senate:
This is a straightforward Motion. The Senate from time to time does adjourn in different periods to make sure that Senators go back and interact with their constituents, families and do some work in Committees. It is usually a good time to recover some of the lost times we have had. We also have an opportunity for Committees to catch up with some of the extensive work they have including; dealing with Statements, Petitions and calling witnesses. I hope that Members will have no issue at all with the adjournment. In the last Session, there was a lot of interruption ...
25 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Pursuant to Standing Order No.52 (1), I hereby present to the Senate the business of the House for the week commencing Tuesday 2nd March, 2021. On Tuesday 2nd March, 2021, the Senate Business Committee (SBC) will meet to schedule the business of the Senate. On that day, the Senate will consider Bills scheduled for Second Reading and Committee of the Whole stages. The Senate will also continue with consideration of business that will not be concluded in today‘s Order Paper including Motions, Petitions and Statements. On Wednesday 3rd March, 2021, the Senate will continue with ...
25 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish to inform the House that the Office of the Speaker and that of the Senate Leadership has continued to engage our counterparts in the National Assembly to fast track the process of regularizing Bills affected by the judgement of the High Court on constitutional Petition No.284 of 2019. As at today, 20 Bills have been approved for republication and have been transmitted to the Government Printer for the same. A total of 15 Bills are undergoing concurrence process pursuant to Article 110(3) of the Constitution. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for ...
25 Feb 2021 in Senate:
The SBC will provide a framework for fast-tracking, consideration and passage of the Bills upon conclusion of these processes and subsequent introduction in the Senate by way of First Reading. Mr. Speaker Sir, the Motion for adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget on the 2021 Budget Policy Statement (BPS) is scheduled in today‘s Order Paper at Order No.8. It is important for Senators to know that the deadline for consideration of this report is fast approaching. Therefore, I take this opportunity to urge all hon. Senators to avail themselves for debate on this important ...
23 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, let me also take the opportunity on my own behalf, my family, the people of West Pokot and this side of the House that I lead to pass condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the late Hon. Waititu. My condolences also go to the National Assembly where he belonged and worked. I take this opportunity to wish them God speed and the fortitude that is required now for them to bear the loss. It is important for us to realize that cancer is no longer an urban problem. It is no longer a lifestyle problem. ...
23 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, let me also take the opportunity on my own behalf, my family, the people of West Pokot and this side of the House that I lead to pass condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the late Hon. Waititu. My condolences also go to the National Assembly where he belonged and worked. I take this opportunity to wish them God speed and the fortitude that is required now for them to bear the loss. It is important for us to realize that cancer is no longer an urban problem. It is no longer a lifestyle problem. ...