18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, pursuant to Standing Order No.52(1), I hereby present to the Senate the business of the House for the week commending Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
On Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021, the Senate Business Committee (SBC) will meet to schedule the business of the Senate. On that day, the Senate will consider Bills scheduled for Second Reading and those at the Committee of the Whole for which following the judgment of the High Court in the Constitutional Petition No.284 of 2019, the resolution process contemplated under Article 110(3) of the Constitution was completed by both Speakers of Parliament. The Senate will also continue with consideration of business that will not be concluded in today’s Order Paper, including Motions, Petitions and Statements.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
On Wednesday, 24th February, 2021, the Senate will continue with business that will not be concluded on Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021, and any other business scheduled for the SBC. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
On Thursday, 25th February, 2021, the Senate will continue with business that will not be concluded on Wednesday, 24th February, 2021, and any other business.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish to inform Senators that the Offices of the Speaker and those of the Senate leadership have continued to engage our counterparts in the National Assembly to fast-track the process of regularizing the Bills affected by the judgment of the High Court on Bills passed unprocedurally to conform with Article 110(3) of the Constitution. Once this process is concluded, the SBC will provide a framework for fast- tracking consideration and passage of the said Bills upon introduction in the Senate.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
As I reported in the previous week, a total of 10 Bills are in the process of republication, 19 Bills have already been republished and 15 Bills are undergoing the concurrence process. This status has remained the same. One Bill namely The Mung Beans Bill (Senate Bills No.9 of 2020) was concluded at the Second Reading stage and committed to the Committee of the Whole while the Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.11 of 2020) is awaiting Division at the Second Reading as indicated in today’s Order Paper.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
I take this opportunity to urge the respective Movers of the Bills, Standing Committees and respective Senators that have filed amendments to the Bills mentioned above to be in the House whenever these Bills are scheduled, to facilitate speedy consideration and smooth transition to the next stage.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Crucial business relating to financial matters is before the Senate namely, the Budget Policy Statement 2021, which was tabled in the House on Tuesday, 16th February, 2021. The Senate is required to consider and adopt the report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget within 14 days after the BPS is tabled. To this end, I urge the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget to expedite consideration of the BPS for consideration by the Senate as required by the law and the Standing Orders.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, in conclusion, I urge all standing committees to expedite consideration of the petitions and Statements pending before them and table reports accordingly.
18 Feb 2021 in Senate:
I thank you and hereby lay the Statement on the Table of the House.