1 Oct 2020 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, alright as long as my time is considered. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
1 Oct 2020 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, thank you very much for all that information. I know that as soon as it smells and speaks of money, if goes to the other House, there is always a challenge. I want to emphasize this point that we need this Bill. We must make this Bill work. At Third Reading stage, we must bring out whatever we need to bring so that we make it credible, so that it can be supported and not lost. Madam Temporary Speaker, as we have spoken, the other thing is that we should never leave a Bill to the mercies ...
1 Oct 2020 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, there is absolutely no reason why counties cannot even budget for community health workers. It helps them. It reduces the number of referrals and congestions in our hospitals. It reduces congestion at Level One and Two let alone Level Three, Four and Five. Whatever it takes and I think there are those who have amendments to it. When we come to Third Reading, we must bring our minds together and reinforce this particular Bill for it to succeed. I support. Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker.
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Have you noticed that Sen. Mwaruma is speaking in two languages at the same time? He keeps interchanging languages. Kindly, give directions on that.
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Let me just take the few minutes to thank the Committee, now led by Sen. Kasanga, but the foundation was laid by Sen. Sakaja. It looks as if Sen. Sakaja had a very good succession plan in terms of the Committee.
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
Let us look at West Pokot and the monies that went there because you have not gone there. In West Pokot you do not see anything. I think the monies are being used for something else. Is there a way the Committee can let us know the progress, where the monies for West Pokot have gone?
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
On schools reopening, we need to look at the Report from this Committee and the recommendations. This Committee should weigh in on that debate. We should hear its voice of this Committee on whether schools should re-open or not. I think this is a challenge to the Committee at this moment. Let is not just give statistics and not weigh in on policy issues. We want the policy issues to become very prominent in your Report.
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
Finally, as we go forward, let us see how we can spend as little time as possible when it comes to Statements, so that one Statement does not cover so much time. Let us be disciplined on how much time we take. You do not have to say the things we wanted to say about everything else. Let us focus on that particular Statement.
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
Thank you for the opportunity.
23 Sep 2020 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.