7 Jul 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also support this Petition because what has been said about Nandi can be said about West Pokot and the neighbouring Marakwet. We have suffered countless landslides and mudslides. In fact, the latest is the one that covered a whole town called Chesegon with rocks and boulders from upstream. Historical injustices should be addressed. This is the moment to do that. The reason why people cultivate higher up on the mountains is because land has become scarce and forests have been destroyed. That is why we are prone to these kind of things. As the Committee will ...
7 Jul 2020 in Senate:
in those areas and cause damage to everybody. They will go up the hills and mountains and cause damage to everybody. In supporting, I urge the Committee to give us a report, but they should take cognisance that there are many such areas in Kenya. I support Gov. Sang for bringing this Petition.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Madam Chairperson, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the House its consideration of the National Assembly Amendments to the Office of the County Attorney Bill (Senate Bills No. 3 of 2018), and its approval thereof.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
No, I think I mentioned it.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Madam Chairperson, pursuant to Standing Order 148, I beg to move that the Committee of the Whole do report to the House its consideration of the National Assembly Amendments to the Petitions to the County Assemblies (Procedure) Bill (Senate Bills No. 22 of 2018) and its approval thereof.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Madam Chairperson, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the Senate its consideration of the National Drought Management Authority (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 26 of 2019) and its approval thereof without amendments.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee in the said report, and ask Sen. Dullo to second.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee in the said report and ask Sen. Dullo to second.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee in the said report, and ask Sen. Dullo to second.
30 Jun 2020 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker Sir, I beg to move that The National Drought Management Authority (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bills No.26 of 2019) be now read a Third Time. I ask Sen. Dullo to second.