5 Dec 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to add my voice to the issue of insecurity. It is very sad when Kenyans die and butcher each other as we watch helplessly. Our military and Defence Forces sit in the barracks, go to the messes, take wine and slash grass as if there is nothing else useful they can do in this country. I want to urge my fellow leaders, Members of Parliament, Senators and Governors, that the politics of yester years, where leaders incite people to fight, thumb their chests and hink that they are more men than others because ...
20 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker I want to echo the sentiments of hon. Adan Duale for saying that this Bill has come of age. This Bill seeks to bring a human face to the conservation of wildlife. Communities that live alongside the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
20 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
wildlife have for a long time suffered. They have felt that the Government takes the wildlife to be more important than human beings. Recently, in Laikipia County, an elephant walked comfortably into a homestead and killed the owner of the home. I am not talking about the bush. This happened right inside his home and in front of his children and wives. This is very painful. I must congratulate the Committee because of the clause on compensation. It is a good aspect of this Bill. However, Kshs3 million for human life is very little. I urge the Committee to look ...
7 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Speaker, Sir.
7 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Speaker, Sir. Can the hon. Alouch tell this House how “seriousness” is measured? Unless he is telling the House that there are small sins and big sins, I think I need to understand this.
7 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you hon. Speaker, Sir. While I contribute to this Bill on the Election Campaign Financing, I would like to say the following: I have a lot respect for the hon. Members of this House. But what I am about to say might not be very pleasing, but I will have to say it. During elections and campaigns, those of us who will be honest and have witnessed what goes on will literally put this country into an auction or a market, where the highest bidder carries the day. If you look at the representation of women in this House ...
6 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, for finally noticing me. I rise to voice my concern about the IDPs business. I am quite worried about the machinery and the method used by the Government to resettle the IDPs. It seems like there is a vicious circle where while a group of IDPs is settled, we are busy creating another set of IDPs. It is evident that the term “IDP”, unless my English fails I do not understand what the IDP business is. It looks like this is synonymous with a certain group of people.
6 Nov 2013 in National Assembly:
This is because we have had people who have been IDPs since Independence up to date and nobody is in a hurry to resettle them. I wish the Chairman could tell us the plans that the Government has to settle the Ndorobo who were thrown out of the forest considering the fact that these people lost their lifeline in the forest.
9 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. The issues brought up by the hon. Member for Homa Bay are very important. I listened to her talking and I was wondering why the CORD Coalition was trying to sneak in some elements in the name of minority leaders. I thought Gladys Wanga has the full capacity. However, I stand to oppose.
9 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
I oppose this Motion not because the Member did not bring out the issues clearly but because listening to the Chairman of the Departmental Committee on Transport, Public Works and Housing, I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that his Committee is handling exactly the same issues that were brought by hon. Gladys Wanga.