11 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
train our people in emergency care. At the moment, we have haphazard responses to emergencies such as when buildings collapse and nobody knows how to rescue those people trapped inside. Once a building collapses, many people make mistakes when removing a person trapped under the rubble and putting him on a stretcher. If he is not handled well, the person may damage his spine or other internal organs. We need that to be done effectively. The Red Cross is doing a lot with regard to that, but we need specialised training because there are some situations which the Red Cross ...
11 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
vehicles that may be going to check on a crime. Most time the whole road is clogged. Unfortunately, in our Kenyan traffic, we do not consider this. Whenever there is a free lane, you will see a motorist or a matatu use it regardless of whether it is reserved for an emergency or not. Hon. Deputy Speaker, in England - and I know you have been there - there is a specific lane for buses, taxis and emergency vehicles. There are times when you cannot use those lanes. If you use them when it is prohibited, you are charged. Unfortunately, ...
28 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
thank you, hon. temporary deputy speaker for indulging me. i lost my card. I want to support this motion but it needs a few amendments because it talks about all firearms. We need to make a distinction between illegal and legal arms. It will go a long way if The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
28 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
all firearms within Kenya are registered and tracked. If they are tracked, we will not know what happens with the illegal firearms. This is because they are mainly used in crime. For example, in Meru County, over the past one or two weeks, we have had people coming from Isiolo and killing people in Meru County and nobody wants to take responsibility. If we had a tracking system, we would exactly know who the killers of the people of Meru are. If the government cannot arrest these killers, then the Meru people can arm themselves and use those illegal guns ...
14 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I agree with the proposed deletion of this provision. I believe the Powers and Privileges Committee can deal with those issues effectively. If the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has to move in, he can even charge a Member who has done anything criminal. So, I agree with the deletion.
14 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. First of all, the Leader of the Majority Party and Hon. Okoth have stigmatised the whole police force by saying that they are just good for shooting people. They should withdraw that statement because we cannot stigmatise the whole police force. That is not right.
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I rise to support the change of Title because I believe we have changed the whole Bill. Note that changing the Title will not do justice to the Bill. What we are doing today is great because there are people as old as 70 years who have never been employed. At least, they will now get a chance. In England, they have a register like this, which is called a Job Centre. We would want everybody to be employed.
20 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I appreciate you for giving me this chance. I want to support this Bill. I think Hon. Kaluma was afraid that I would oppose this Bill and that is why he did not donate to me the one minute. I want to support this amendment. I believe we need to separate the powers of the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive. Apparently, the Judiciary has conflict of interest sometimes because nobody can stop what they do for themselves. A judge could take his case to the court to stop his retirement. I believe we ...
19 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I want to support this amendment; my reason for supporting is because I believe all undergraduates under Government sponsorship should get loans. But, there should be a rider that all the people who apply should be informed if their applications have been received. Many cases happen where people make application for loans and they do not go through. This is good but there should be a rider that they should be informed whether they will be given loans, so that they can wait for them.
19 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I support the proposal for the affidavit because as the proposer has said, a lot of people do not get jobs immediately and they can be out of a job for more than five years and then the interest builds up. It is a good idea and I support it.