29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker, for giving me the chance to also---
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker, for giving me this chance to add my voice to this discussion on Supplementary Budget. Hon. Speaker, the Supplementary Budget is a very important portion of the budget-making process of this country. The reason it is allowed in our Constitution is because it allows for flexibility into our budget-making process. What is important is that the Supplementary Budget will allow the Executive to bring in things which have not been planned for to the House for approval. Even as I comment on this report, I want to draw to the attention of this House that the ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
process which we are currently involved in and which is supposed to start in July? So, Treasury needs to be a bit serious about some of these things.
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
With regard to transfer to State corporations, this Supplementary Budget is proposing that this House approves Kshs.500 million to the National Bank of Kenya, Kshs.500 million to Agricultural Finance Corporation and Kshs.500 million to Consolidated Bank in terms of assisting these institutions. The parastatal reforms in the 1990s were informed by the fact that the Government wanted some of these parastatals to stand on their own and stop draining the National Treasury or the Consolidated Fund in terms of getting money which could be used for other activities. We are now in a situation, again, where we are being told ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
The other thing I want to talk about is the issue of a pragmatic budget and an itemised budget. As a country, we have made a decision that we are going to go programme budgeting. It means that at the end of the day, we should be able to say what we are achieving out of the money this House is giving to Kenyans. However, look at what is happening. From the main Budget, we get a programme budget and from the Supplementary Budget, we get an itemised budget. So, we lose that connection. There is a disconnect in terms ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
The other thing which is also important is the issue that the Chairman talked about on observational rights. Some Ministries and Managing Directors are requesting for more money from this House while we know very well that even the money we gave them has not been used. It is like giving somebody Kshs1million and before they spend Ksh400,000 out of that Kshs1million, they are asking for another Kshs1million. It does not make any sense. As we move forward, this House must demand for Budget monitoring. We should get a report saying, “Out of the money that you gave us, this ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
be reduced till they prove that they have the capacity to use more money. That will help Kenyans.
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
My last contribution is on the issue of revenue. We all know that anytime we talk about expenditure, simple common sense demands that you must say where you are getting the money from. Look at what has happened. This House is being requested to approve over Ksh57 billion and nobody even takes a minute to tell us where the money will come from. Automatically, there are high chances that either we are going to borrow domestically, which will crowd out the private sector, or we borrow externally which is going to make our debt position worse. This is an analysis ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I support this deletion because when you look at this Bill it has in a very comprehensive manner explained all the possible methods of procurement. If you are procuring things like security items, it is clear what you need to do. If it is normal procurement, it is also clearly stated. What we are saying is in a situation where you have a very comprehensive listing of what you need to procure and then you open a small window for individual decision-making. You will open room for corruption. That is why I am supporting ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
This is just a simple editorial action and I see a lot of these changes coming. So, I support.