Benson Makali Mulu

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 921 to 930 of 2344.

  • 30 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to support this Report. Before I give my comments, I want to declare that I have read this Report thoroughly and so, as I contribute, I will mention what the Report says. I want to start by congratulating the nominees. Some of them are very qualified and they are going to do a good job. It is important we remind Members where we are coming from. Those of us who were in the 11th Parliament did not have a good experience with the SRC of the time. I want to urge Members, as we ... view
  • 30 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Therefore, I neither know this person nor the region she comes from, but in terms of procedure, it is important that the same name still comes to this House. view
  • 30 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: This is the Committee’s Report and based on it, my position is that this person is qualified, but the procedure was not followed. So, I support the Report of the Committee when they say that, for now, we can, as a House, decline that appointment, but she can reapply and follow the procedure. On that note, I support the Report. Thank you. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker… view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: You know, Hon. Deputy Speaker, many a times we have said in this House that for us to improve debate, we need to research. It becomes very frustrating when you research on an item and just by a statement like what the Member has made… We can also say that we adjourn this House, but we do not want to go that way. I think it is important that when people research, they are given opportunity to present their points. I plead with you. There are things which have not been said. I researched on them and I want to ... view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Can you allow me? view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Two things which I think have not been said. The first thing, the reason we are doing this amendment is because these additional grants The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: came after we had gone through the Budget cycle. In terms of timing, we need to urge our development partners and the Government to do their signing of agreements on time so that we align the agreements with the Budget cycle. Who has said that? view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: The other point is, even after releasing this money to the county governments, we need to have a framework to monitor implementation of the projects, at the County Assembly level and at the Senate level. Who has said that? view
  • 29 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you. I have been wondering whether my machine is not working, but I want to support this amendment. Yesterday, we raised issues in these grey areas. I am very happy with the exemptions which the Chair has just presented. So, the fact that we have allowed some exemptions is very good for this country and I support. view


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