Charles Kanyi Njagua

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 161 to 170 of 183.

  • 5 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: THAT, the traders carry out fully registered and legitimate business and are in full support of the Government’s effort on the fight against counterfeit and contraband goods; THAT, while efforts by the Government to fight contraband and counterfeit goods must be supported, this should not be used to infringe on the rights of the legitimate traders; THAT, there has been no protection by the Government to legitimate business people from extortion by corrupt officials, who demand bribes from the traders or otherwise face harassment; THAT, the Anti-Counterfeit Agency and the Kenya Bureau of Standards have not been carrying out inspection ... view
  • 5 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: (i) Carries out and recommends immediate investigations by the relevant authorities into the matter to ascertain harassment and recommend appropriate actions against the perpetrators; (ii) Recommends for amnesty for release of goods from the port of Mombasa for legitimate traders whose goods have been impounded; (iii) That the authorities carry out public participation and involve the traders in rebuilding their businesses; (iv) Ensures that the Petitioners’ plight is addressed; and, (v) Makes any other order or direction that it deems fit in the circumstances of the matter. And your Petitioners will ever pray. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I was not prepared to contribute to this Motion, but since I am a youth and I was elected to represent the youth, I cannot lack one or two things to add on the Motion. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: First of all, I thank the Mover of the Motion. It is timely. I remember last week I went round my constituency and asked the youth if they had gone for the National Youth Service The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: recruitment exercise that was done a week ago. Most of them told me that they did not have the money to apply for the documents required by the National Youth Service. Most of them said they were willing to join the NYS but they could not afford the amount of money required to get the required documents. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: I support the Mover of the Motion for intending to make sure that the fees are scrapped so that the youth of this country can feel they belong to it. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: I also call on county governments to take note that most of the youth are unemployed and as such opt to start small-scale businesses. But when they start them, they cannot afford to pay for the licences required. Most of the time they open small businesses like car wash or barber shops, but after one month, the city council law enforcers close them leaving them with nothing to do. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: I also call on the Government to set up technical institutions in every constituency. There are some youth who did not go to school and did not join technical schools yet they have skills. An example is mechanics who work along Kirinyaga Road which is in my constituency. Most of these people have skills having been trained by their uncles and friends. With time they have become very good mechanics. view
  • 29 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: If you go to a country like China which is constructing our railway line, those who are not learned work there because they are trained and have supervisors who are learned coordinating the whole process. Here in Kenya, the youth who were trained by their uncles and friends cannot be employed anywhere. I request that we build technical schools where the youth who have been trained to be mechanics or technicians can be tested and be issued with certificates. This will enable them get employed in big companies. If you go to big companies, you will find that some of ... view
  • 13 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity to comment on this Bill. This Bill comes at the right time as we have just finished discussing the Building Surveyors Bill which goes hand in hand with the Physical Planning Bill. Kenya is developing at a very high rate. In fact, we are among the fast-developing economies. For this reason, we need comprehensive urban planning which will accommodate our Vision 2030. We also need to place our major towns on the global map by having international up-to-standard planning of roads, buildings and use of land in general. I represent ... view


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