Charles Kanyi Njagua

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 181 to 183 of 183.

  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: As you all know, before I joined politics I was in the music industry. I am the one who sang the song Kigeugeu . Hon. Members have been telling me to withdraw the song because I have joined politics. However, if you listen to the song, it not only touches on politicians but also on all evils that happen in this country and the whole of this world. I am from the music industry. The Government must create talent centres for artists. This is a huge industry that can create a lot of employment for the youth. We can even ... view
  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Artists can unite Kenyans better than any other profession. It is only in Kenya where artists die poor. If you can remember, every time an artist dies, we must hold harambee for them and politicians and well-wishers promise to pay school fees and other needs for their loved ones they have left behind. Artists work very hard to produce music. I was looking at one of the videos and I saw Hon. Sabina Chege dancing in one of the Kikuyu videos when she was young. She can tell you how hard it is even to create a music video. It ... view
  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: In conclusion, I want to say that we have only one country called Kenya, and it is one of the best places to live in this world. Let us not divide it through petty politics and shenanigans. This country is bigger than all of us. Leadership is not a privilege but a responsibility. view


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