Charles Kanyi Njagua

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 171 to 180 of 183.

  • 13 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: As I support this Bill, I would like to say that the physical planners should not be left to be the alpha and omega. If they were to make any major changes, the input of the communities living in those areas should be included in whatever is being changed. I support the Bill. view
  • 5 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me the opportunity to comment on this very important Bill. First of all, I thank the hon. Members who have contributed before me for supporting the Bill. I would also like to correct Hon. Rasso from Saku, who has said that artists die poor. I will tell him that in every business, if you do not invest, you will definitely die poor. Art pays our bills. Therefore, the amendment of this Bill is aimed at fostering the growth of the art industry and allow Kenyans to live their talents. The Copyright Act ... view
  • 5 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: was drafted in 2001. This was a long time ago. Hence, there is need to review the Act and make it current. I would like to recommend the broadening of this amendment Act. The 2001 Copyright Act was very narrow in definition owing to the time. The industry has now expanded to include a lot of things that were categorised under arts. For example, we now have spoken word. Comedy is also categorised under arts, juts as we now have sign language in music. The amendments in Sections 5, 6, 11, 19 and 22 of the 2001 Copyright Act have ... view
  • 26 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I would like to comment on Hon. Opiyo’s comment. view
  • 26 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Yes, it is. When he says that the three Supreme Court Judges made history, he also forgot to congratulate His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta for being the first President to accept the nullification of elections which he won. view
  • 26 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: We also want to know where he got the tallies that he gave. view
  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. I would like first to thank the Almighty God for giving me this opportunity to be elected by the people of Starehe Constituency. I also want to thank the people of Starehe for trusting a youthful leader against all odds. They stood firm and voted overwhelmingly for me. This is, indeed, rare in Kenya. I promise that I will never let them down. view
  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: For those who do not know Starehe Constituency ndio inashikilia Bunge na Nairobi CBD. Kwa hivyo, mimi ndio landlord hapa. Tuna shida nyingi sana kama wakaaji wa Starehe na The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Nairobi as you all know, for example city traffic. All the big markets in Kenya ziko starehe. When I was campaigning, niliambia watu wa starehe I will make sure that I will be a link--- view
  • 14 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I also want to thank the Starehe people for trusting a youthful leader against all odds. They stood firm and voted for me overwhelmingly. This is, indeed, very rare in Kenya. I promise I will not let them down. I am keenly aware of hope, aspiration and challenges they face in this city. I am also aware that majority of the city dwellers are poor and unemployed. I will do my utmost best to create a conducive environment to do business, and create jobs for the youths of this country. view


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