All parliamentary appearances
Entries 161 to 170 of 940.
22 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I thought that I was doing that as the Deputy Senate Majority Leader. I made my commitment because we want to give a very comprehensive answer in comparison to very many years.
22 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, why can we not issue it in one month’s time so that we come in between? One month will be in the next two weeks. We can give an answer in a month’s time because we have to deal with the foreign affairs office. Even some Members of Parliament sometimes accompany the President on some of those trips. It is not one organ we will deal with to come up with a comprehensive statement. That is why we need at least a month.
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, on behalf of the Senate Majority Leader, I beg to move the following Motion:- THAT, the amendment of the National Assembly to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, 2014 be now considered. Mr. Speaker, Sir, as you have put it correctly, it is a minor amendment which was inserted by the National Assembly with regard to the commencement date. As you have put it, whether this amendment was there or not, upon the signing of the Bill, it would have automatically been in force and, therefore, the rationale of marshalling 250 Members of Parliament to agree with ...
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Sorry for that, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I meant Sen. Billow.
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move.
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee of the Whole doth report to the Senate its consideration of the National Assembly amendment to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill (Senate Bill No.13 of 2014) and its approval thereof. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House doth agree with the Committee in the said report.
15 Aug 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to be on record that my Majority Leader has not whipped anybody outside. If, indeed, he did that, I would have been the first one because I was seated with him. Therefore, I think it is good because some of us came running to exercise our responsibility which we were voted for. Therefore, I want to make that clarification so that everybody is not condemned. If people walked out, it is on their own volition, nobody was whipped out. I, however, want to seek clarification on the following: The quorum is 15, which is mandatory, ...
15 Aug 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to be on record that my Majority Leader has not whipped anybody outside. If, indeed, he did that, I would have been the first one because I was seated with him. Therefore, I think it is good because some of us came running to exercise our responsibility which we were voted for. Therefore, I want to make that clarification so that everybody is not condemned. If people walked out, it is on their own volition, nobody was whipped out. I, however, want to seek clarification on the following: The quorum is 15, which is mandatory, ...
15 Aug 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I do not intend to challenge your ruling. For posterity, you have touched on it, but I want you to elaborate. If we come back again let us, say, on Monday, and we are faced with the same situation we are in today, can we get the clarification so that we know what we will do at that time. Suppose we will not have the quorum at that time again, what will happen? That is what I wanted clarified.