All parliamentary appearances
Entries 81 to 90 of 940.
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, this House has been a House of respect and we do not have to trivialize issues. I have utmost respect for the Senate Minority Leader when he says that it is “raining money”. This is not the “Tokyo affair”. Let us be serious; ElNino is El Nino . If you want us to say that the Jubilee Government is corrupt; let us find out who is more corrupt. Where is the Tokyo plot? We respect you so much, but when you start saying things here---
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I will undertake to give a response tomorrow in the afternoon, including what the Senator for Nyeri County has asked now as to whether there is El Nino or not.
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, a few minutes ago, you gave me the mandate to talk to the Cabinet Secretary and the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Health. I managed to talk to the Cabinet Secretary who is in India with the President. He told me the statement had been signed by the Principal Secretary and sent to Parliament at 11.00 a.m. I have also received a copy right now. However, I have not gone through it. Will I be in order to request the Vice Chairperson of the Committee to give the response tomorrow? I have done my work by delivering and ...
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Sen. Khaniri has got it now. Could the Chairperson respond tomorrow?
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Let me join you and my two colleagues in welcoming the delegation from Vihiga and Kilifi counties. In the Senate, they will find their friends in terms of protection of devolution, and we wish them a fruitful stay, learn good things and go and implement in your respective counties. To my brother, Senator from Vihiga, he is a very good Senator, take care of him; he advocates your issues very well.
28 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, since we do not have the requisite numbers to vote on these Bills, I would like to request that we defer them until tomorrow. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
27 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, from the onset, I want to thank those Kenyans from Nandi County for being bold enough and having confidence in this Senate. Those issues highlighted are not only in Nandi but across most counties. It is only strong people like those ones of Nandi who can save our counties. I want to encourage all people to be bold enough so that they can highlight issues affecting them. I want to assure the people that the issues that have been raised will be dealt with accordingly so that the people of Nandi can get what they deserve. Therefore, ...
22 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order---
22 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I had pressed this long time ago before he completed what he was responding to. However, he mentioned that we happened to be in a county which he did not name and where there were askaris lined up and they were shouting down whoever was not for the governor. Could he substantiate that so that we know, because I do not remember?