Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 191 to 200 of 569.

  • 15 Nov 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I have said what I have said. view
  • 8 Nov 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. My clarification from the witness is on paragraph three of this affidavit. It speaks about it emerging from the leadership of the House and that Members of Parliament from Meru County and a few leaders had picked a war with the Governor. Paragraph eight states that we also received calls from other leaders in Meru County. Is it your evidence, Hon. Josphat Nicholas Kinyua, that the whole impeachment process is initiated by forces outside the County Assembly, as per paragraph three and eight of your affidavits? You need to clarify this for the House. view
  • 8 Nov 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. My clarification from the witness is on paragraph three of this affidavit. It speaks about it emerging from the leadership of the House and that Members of Parliament from Meru County and a few leaders had picked a war with the Governor. Paragraph eight states that we also received calls from other leaders in Meru County. Is it your evidence, Hon. Josphat Nicholas Kinyua, that the whole impeachment process is initiated by forces outside the County Assembly, as per paragraph three and eight of your affidavits? You need to clarify this for the House. view
  • 31 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I beg to lay the following Petition Report on the Table of the Senate, today, 31st of October, 2023- Report of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations on a Petition to the Senate by Benson Nyaga Kagete concerning the recognition and Remuneration of Village Elders under the Nyumba Kumi Initiative. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Petition by Benson Nyaga was presented to the Senate on 21st June, 2023 and it was committed to the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relation for consideration. view
  • 31 Oct 2023 in Senate: Pursuant to Standing Order No.238(1), the Committee was required to respond to the petitioner by way of a report addressed to the petitioner and laid on the Table of the Senate. The major issues raised in the Petition were as follows- (1) Village Elders play an integral role in the functioning of the national Government at the village level by helping chiefs and assistant chiefs in the maintenance of law and order, promoting education and promotion of development through the view
  • 31 Oct 2023 in Senate: Initiative. (2) These officers discharge these important roles without any remuneration by the Government. Hence, they are not motivated. (3) There is no law regulating and guiding the observation of employment of the village elders into the existing governance structure. In particular, the National Government Coordination Act No.1 of 2013 does not define a village as the lowest administrative unit after a sub-location. (4) There is a need to put in place criteria for the establishment of a village considering the population, geographical, and sub-cultural factors. Mr. Speaker, Sir, in light of the above, the petitioner prays that the Senate- ... view
  • 31 Oct 2023 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in considering the Petition, the Committee first met with the petitioner to better understand the issues raised in the Petition and the remedies that were sought from the Committee and the Senate. The Committee subsequently held meetings with the CoG, Mr. Joseph Kaguthi, EBS, former Chairman of the Nyumba Kumi initiative task force and the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Interior and National Administration to deliberate and receive submissions on the Petition. There are summaries in chapter two of the report, which we have tabled today. The Committee made the following observations: (i) That there was a mis-construction ... view
  • 31 Oct 2023 in Senate: In light of the observations made, the Committee, therefore, recommends as follows: 1) That the National Government Coordination Act No.1 of 2013 and the County Governments Act No.17 of 2012 be reviewed and amended in order to ensure harmonisation in the establishment, structure and functions of the village elders at both the county and the national levels. 2) In order to fully realise the gains of community policing initiatives at the county level, the Ministry of Interior and National Administration should implement the provisions of Section 41 of the National Police Service Act No.11(a) of 2011 through the establishment of ... view
  • 31 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise to oppose the Motion. There was wisdom by the drafters of the Standing Orders of this House who gave two options through which a governor can be impeached; Plenary or a Special Committee. Those options will do one particular thing, which is to investigate whether in Plenary or committee. Mr. Speaker, Sir, what is investigation? The dictionary defines the word as carrying out systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts to establish the truth. The question that arises is whether the Plenary can undertake a systematic and formal investigation. The ... view
  • 11 Oct 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, as the chair of security in this House, allow me to sincerely thank our CS. I appreciate the efforts he is making to secure our country. CS, I assure you that the House will continue to give you the support. However, the chiefs and assistant chiefs are the lowest unit of administration in our country. They played a critical role in terms of administration, peace and order and of society. Mr. CS, could you consider public participation in the recruitment of these officers? I am saying so because sometimes the chiefs or assistant chiefs we employ ... view


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