Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 91 to 100 of 576.

  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I want to add my voice to this very important Bill, because it touches on what has been a perennial problem for years. Every year there is drought in this country and the images we see in newspapers and on television have been very The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I want to add my voice to this very important Bill, because it touches on what has been a perennial problem for years. Every year there is drought in this country and the images we see in newspapers and on television have been very The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: disturbing to the extent that many people think that Africa is a place where people do not eat and they suffer. We see emaciated children, parents and even animals. So, such images are really disturbing. It is an indication that something has gone wrong and we do not have enough food. That is why when this Bill comes to this Floor, we need to support it because it is a way of trying to improve the situation. Therefore, this would respond to the challenges that we have as far as food is concerned. It is important that when you look ... view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: disturbing to the extent that many people think that Africa is a place where people do not eat and they suffer. We see emaciated children, parents and even animals. So, such images are really disturbing. It is an indication that something has gone wrong and we do not have enough food. That is why when this Bill comes to this Floor, we need to support it because it is a way of trying to improve the situation. Therefore, this would respond to the challenges that we have as far as food is concerned. It is important that when you look ... view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: The Bill comes at the right time because we have now learnt that we cannot continue to beg other countries for food. We cannot rely on other people to support us because they will get tired of us. All the time we are begging, getting yellow maize and support from them. view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: The Bill comes at the right time because we have now learnt that we cannot continue to beg other countries for food. We cannot rely on other people to support us because they will get tired of us. All the time we are begging, getting yellow maize and support from them. view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: So, the authority that is to be created is a good one and we hope that they will raise funds on their own capacity. The money they will raise or whatever resources they will raise will be utilised effectively so that it is spread across affected areas. We know North Eastern is always suffering, but that does not mean that other counties do not suffer. They may be suffering, but in silence. Therefore, there is need for them to also inject in their authority a research area where they can find out other areas that suffer. Even floods are a ... view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: So, the authority that is to be created is a good one and we hope that they will raise funds on their own capacity. The money they will raise or whatever resources they will raise will be utilised effectively so that it is spread across affected areas. We know North Eastern is always suffering, but that does not mean that other counties do not suffer. They may be suffering, but in silence. Therefore, there is need for them to also inject in their authority a research area where they can find out other areas that suffer. Even floods are a ... view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: When there are floods people do not have enough food because the crops that are planted get swept away, homes get washed away and people go without food. So, it is not only when there is drought. In my view, you need to add floods and other disasters that may affect us. I support this Bill and believe that when an authority of this nature is created or established, then credible people should run it because they know that people suffer. They know the pain of citizens so that whatever resources they have to support suffering people, will be distributed ... view
  • 6 Aug 2019 in National Assembly: When there are floods people do not have enough food because the crops that are planted get swept away, homes get washed away and people go without food. So, it is not only when there is drought. In my view, you need to add floods and other disasters that may affect us. I support this Bill and believe that when an authority of this nature is created or established, then credible people should run it because they know that people suffer. They know the pain of citizens so that whatever resources they have to support suffering people, will be distributed ... view


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