Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 81 to 90 of 576.

  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving this opportunity. First of all, let me send my condolences to the family, friends and relatives of those who perished. Last night there was a debate over this matter and the people who were brought on television to discuss it were experts of maritime systems. One of them said that the challenge they faced was bureaucracy, getting the Kenya Navy to respond on time. Bureaucracy is too much and they cannot respond on time. If what I heard is true, then something has to be done about bureaucracy. It means people who ... view
  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Finally, the social media, as my friend Millie Odhiambo said, is quite insensitive. I watched that video. As a lay person, I asked so many questions. The video showed clearly that the vehicle was floating on the water for quite a while before it sunk. That is the moment at which anybody who was keen to save lives could have stepped in. It took a bit of time and I was wondering how it floated. What happened to the vehicle? It was on the water for quite some time. Somebody should have stepped in to save lives. A friend of ... view
  • 2 Oct 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. This Bill is not on online platform. So, I had gone out to pick it. That is why I was away when you called me out to speak. Thank you very much. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I stand to support the Bill. One of the many ambitions as a country is to industrialise. We hope that in the next 30 years, Kenya should have risen to a truly middle income country joining the rest of the world in raising the living standards of its people. One of the parameters of knowing whether a country is growing is the ease of access to credit or loans; the ease with which people are able to get money to do business. Last week I heard the President talking about how Singapore has grown and that he hopes Kenya will ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: banks will raise interest rates claiming they even need to raise the interest rates of existing loans. If they could show goodwill and say that the economy is stable and the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) is working among other things to reduce interest rates that would be fine. On the wake of the original Act of fixing interest rates, we have a seen a proliferation of bank charges on other things. They are basically rising interest rates by putting so many other charges like negotiation and administration fees and many other fees that if you aggregate, you realise you are ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I wish the Government of Kenya, the Central Bank of Kenya and the National Treasury could agree with these banks that they are going to look at their license and renew it depending on how much of their lending goes to the SMEs so that we reduce what the Hon. Member talked about: reduce the appetite for banks to keep hoping that they are going to lend money to Government and get super profits. We need to put in place a percentage of their lending to go directly to SMEs. They should tell the amount of money they give out ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I urge the banking industry in the country to first understand that we are in this together as a people and as a country and that if they make super profits and all of us are poor, then they are basically poorer; if they make modest profits and all of us share whatever that is available on the market and do business to raise our living standards, all of us are richer. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: So, as I support the Bill, I urge the President that there are things he needs to do to ensure that the services sector: insurance and the banking industries pull together to ensure that things are going well. They should be regulated so that our country is not lost to brokers, is not lost to middlemen, is not lost to barons or lost to people who do not mean well to us. I support the Bill and hope that we will not hear again that banks are talking to the Central Bank of Kenya and its Governor and others lobbying ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I support and hope that Members will also support. Thank you very much. view


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