Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 151 to 160 of 576.

  • 18 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: As a CWR, I do not know what is going on out there, but the impression is that girls’ school belong to CWRs and boys’ schools to the Member of Parliament. So, anything that is disturbing a girl, they are told go to the CWR for assistance. Our money is so little. The Affirmative Action Fund is far too little to manage the many students. That is why working together as a team with the Members of Parliament who manage the NG-CDF is critical. We need to work together as a team. view
  • 18 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: There was a Member of Parliament who raised the issue of civic education that people need to know the role of the NG-CDF. When it comes to that, that is where working with a CWR is going to be more useful. The CWR have funds for civic education and when we work together, we will talk to the public about the NG-CDF and its role, so that we can help in sensitising the citizens about the role of the NG-CDF and the expectations therein. view
  • 18 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: That is the closest we can work together as parliamentarians to support one another financially. We too with our little funds, far much little compared to what Members have of about Kshs120 million, can assist. For us, one constituency has only Kshs6 million. It is so little. You beat us by Kshs114 million and we cannot match you. However, the little we have, we can share and have a big impact in the community. view
  • 18 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: The last point is on stalled projects. These sometimes exist not because funds are not there, but because politically, we do not want to push a project that a former colleague was putting up. That becomes a big challenge. When it comes to projects that have stalled, let us move on together and support each other. There are many areas we can work together as a team. My contribution here was basically to highlight CWRs and Members of constituencies can work together. We have little funds that do almost the same thing as constituency Members do. view
  • 18 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Finally, when you take a student to Form one, I would urge us to support that child up to Fourth Form or where he or she can reach. It will be very sad if you can pay school fees in Form one and two and then the student is not supported in Form three and four. It means that the money that you used on that student is lost. So, let us try and sustain the students in school. That is what I do with the little money that I have under the Affirmative Action. Once a student has been ... view
  • 18 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you and I support. view
  • 17 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Motion. It is true that young people today are going through a lot of problems. Burning of schools is an indication that something is wrong with young people. There are crimes being committed by young people and the problem is world-wide. This is not a new thing. Young people are normally going through a stage where they are rebellious to society. They find glory in burning schools, beating women, stealing and drinking. This is what they admire. They admire wrong things and commit crimes and ... view
  • 17 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: would be taken. Today, I do not hear about them. There are no teachers to help them and mould them to be good people. I do not know how we are going to get the approved schools when teachers are not there to help them change their character. Some of those young people are extremely dangerous. They simply need to be taken to prison for a year or two to learn something. In any case, prison or jail is always a very good thing. People learn skills from there. They come out as carpenters and trained in various areas. view
  • 17 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: I was attracted by what is written in the Motion that child offenders are not to be remanded or incarcerated in adult remands. Of course, adult remands are not good for them because they are young, but they should be taken to remand. I expect that in a remand they are trained and come out as completely changed people, people with new values and people who are ready to survive or work within the society. The idea of counselling them is critical as well because those are young people who need parental guidance and constantly be reminded to adopt good ... view
  • 17 Oct 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I really did not prepare to contribute to this one. I think I must have been waiting for another one but still my contribution here would be that we go by the recommendations that have been put forward, and we use the money wisely. Thank you. view


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