Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 221 to 230 of 576.

  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I have a group in Rarieda Constituency along the lake which has been using canoes to go and fish in the lake. They are very scared because sometimes the canoes may capsize and many of them may die. When they approached me to give them some funds, they had an intention of buying a motor boat. I gave them funds and they bought a motor boat. This is an engine that is much better than a canoe. Their lives have now been transformed and they are making good money. This is the kind of group that if this ... view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I have a group in Rarieda Constituency along the lake which has been using canoes to go and fish in the lake. They are very scared because sometimes the canoes may capsize and many of them may die. When they approached me to give them some funds, they had an intention of buying a motor boat. I gave them funds and they bought a motor boat. This is an engine that is much better than a canoe. Their lives have now been transformed and they are making good money. This is the kind of group that if this ... view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: It is very inspiring when you inspire young people. If you give them an award, they feel recognized and will do a lot to change their lives. I support this Bill thoroughly because young people are the future of this nation. If we do not inspire them, then the nation actually dies. view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: It is very inspiring when you inspire young people. If you give them an award, they feel recognized and will do a lot to change their lives. I support this Bill thoroughly because young people are the future of this nation. If we do not inspire them, then the nation actually dies. view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: I also want to recognize the bit about the board members that will be awarding young people. The Bill recommends people who are experienced, have gone through different types of lives and have come up with different life skills. I believe that once you are a member of this board, you will be as fair as possible. This country is divided along gender, religious and even tribal lines. So, sometimes, when an award of this nature comes up, people will scrutinize who is going to benefit from it. They will want to look at the criteria that is used to ... view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: I also want to recognize the bit about the board members that will be awarding young people. The Bill recommends people who are experienced, have gone through different types of lives and have come up with different life skills. I believe that once you are a member of this board, you will be as fair as possible. This country is divided along gender, religious and even tribal lines. So, sometimes, when an award of this nature comes up, people will scrutinize who is going to benefit from it. They will want to look at the criteria that is used to ... view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: Many young people are involved in voluntary work, but voluntary work has a lifespan. There is a bit you can do up to a certain point. We need to recognize these people because quite a number are doing voluntary work. When I was growing up as a teenager, we were doing some The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: Many young people are involved in voluntary work, but voluntary work has a lifespan. There is a bit you can do up to a certain point. We need to recognize these people because quite a number are doing voluntary work. When I was growing up as a teenager, we were doing some The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: work voluntarily and we would be paid Kshs1. We would go and cut grass and it used to be called bob a job. You got one bob for a job you did for a particular family maybe drawing water or cutting grass. There was no award as such, but we got a lot of inspiration just being encouraged by our teachers that it is good to support people and it is good to volunteer. The very fact that a teacher would tell you that you are wonderful and a good girl, that in itself was an inspiration and we grew ... view
  • 16 May 2017 in National Assembly: work voluntarily and we would be paid Kshs1. We would go and cut grass and it used to be called bob a job. You got one bob for a job you did for a particular family maybe drawing water or cutting grass. There was no award as such, but we got a lot of inspiration just being encouraged by our teachers that it is good to support people and it is good to volunteer. The very fact that a teacher would tell you that you are wonderful and a good girl, that in itself was an inspiration and we grew ... view


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