Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 301 to 310 of 576.

  • 17 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: If you have been to Israel, it has so many statues. It has so much history and biblical in nature. People remember from time immemorial. That is why people need to remember its people through different ways. We can have a mausoleum for the late founding father. We can have a statue for another hero somewhere, for example, Tom Mboya. We can have them not only in Nairobi, but also in other counties where our heroes come from. We can have Ronald Ngala in Mombasa, somebody in Nakuru, somebody in Kisumu and other places. So, we do not have to ... view
  • 17 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: I want to extend the fact that it is not just Jomo Kenyatta’s mausoleum we need to rebuild and put in more information. There are many other people we may consider alongside that. Mheshimiwa Oburu talked about a museum that is dedicated to his father in his home. I have been there. It is extremely informative so much so that you do not want to leave the place. They have done a great job for Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. You trace his life from long ago. You can trace his political life, family life, leisure activities, what he liked, his clothes ... view
  • 4 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I support the principle behind this Motion. Betting and gambling are popular games worldwide and those who are involved are so much thrilled. They are very excited. It is like a form of entertainment because they expect to get a lot of money out of that, but they do it outside working time like in the evenings and at night. So, part and parcel of the work of betting and gambling is also part of entertainment, but it has its own risks – the risk of spending money in a big ... view
  • 4 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: money as you put little money makes one keep on playing it all the time hoping to win. By the end of the day, they spend so much and end up being broke and bankrupt. That is the beginning of family problems because it has a lot of effects on family life. One thing that is very clear is that it comes in different ways. When I was growing up, I used to see things like bingo, jackpot, lucky dip and the slot machines. There were lottery tickets. There was betting in different ways. Today, we have internet gambling, the ... view
  • 4 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Casinos are very dangerous and insecure places. They are situated in dangerous places where people die sometimes. They fight and kill each other because they have lost, and they are drunk. There is also prostitution among people who visit the casinos to gamble. It is a terrible place which requires regulations. We require regulations in the casinos because nobody cares who walks in there. Young girls and boys walk in there to drink and enjoy themselves as others gamble. We need to control the people who go into gambling houses, because we are exposing them to very dangerous areas. This ... view
  • 4 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: I have received messages in the internet many times telling me that I have won a lot of money and yet, I have never gambled anywhere. They tell me that I have won millions of shillings, and they want my full name, address and bank account. There is total theft going on. There is a lot of corruption and exploitation in the betting and gambling industry. There is need to control it. This country is very poor. We cannot afford to have such kinds of games where we have billions of shillings, but people are so poor. The industry must ... view
  • 4 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: I support this Motion, Hon. Speaker. Thank you. view
  • 3 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this chance. First of all, you are up to the task and congratulations. view
  • 3 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: First, this country is in turmoil. Young people are going through huge pressure from society. This is demonstrated in the way they respond to these pressures. They are committing suicide. Each and every day, you find a young boy or girl committing suicide. These are school kids. You will find them in the streets drunk and engaging in violence every day. These are signs of bad times for our young people and yet they are our future. What kind of young people are we bringing up and what kind of future are we seeing? I see a bleak society; a ... view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I want to start by highlighting the fact that for public appointments, advertisements are normally done. I wish that in the advertisement, it is made very clear that the county government that is advertising for the job puts a rider on the advertisement that it is an equal opportunity employer where women are allowed to apply. That comes out quite a lot in other advanced countries. When they place advertisements, that rider is put there. It is an equal opportunity employer that allows women to apply. That will encourage ... view


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